When to plant strawberries?

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I am new to strawberries. I want to plant 30 or more plants in my garden. I live in mid state NC. Any tips on when to plant- I seemed to have missed the date last year. Will they do ok in shade? How about heat- as it can get right hot here in the summer.

-- Kevin in NC (Vantravlrs@aol.com), February 13, 2002


I work in a greenhouse and my boss said you can plant them anytime ( as long as the ground isn't frozen, which I don't think you have that problem in NC). I planted strawberry plants here in PA last Nov. and they seem to be doing fine. Be sure to trim the plants back to about two or three inches from the roots and water well. They won't do well in the shade. As for the heat, I would make sure you keep them watered, especially when it's hot and not getting much rain.

-- Jo in Pa (farmerjo02@yahoo.com), February 13, 2002.

I'd say plant them any time too! Make sure the crowns (the nob at the base of the stems)are above the soil. The first season snip the runners and flowers. This puts all the energy into the roots. Here we have such a definite season it is easy to know when to do what,things may be different where you are. Your county extension office should have some information if it is close by. In subsuquest years snip runners or you will wind up with a matted mess. The mother plant will be good for awhile(years) then you can allow the babies (runners) root in a controled way and have new plants. Make sure you give them a season to root by sniping runners and flowers. Day-nutural plants are best if the hours of sunlight are less than full. Strawberries love full hot sun.

Good luck, Susan

-- Susan in Minnesota (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), February 13, 2002.

Hi Kevin,I also live in mid state NC. Last year, I planted strawberries in Feb. It was nice --not to warm--nor to cold. About three weeks later we had a freeze and burnt the new growth off some and killed others. I got no berries. I have a friend who planted the same brand, purchased at the same place but planted his in April--he got strawberries and lost no plants! This year, I will wait until then to 'fill in' the rest of mine! Good luck.

-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), February 13, 2002.

Kevin, we're in the mountains of NC. Our ag ext office sells strawberries every spring as a fund raiser for 4-H. They get the plants in at the 'right' time for us to plant which is late April or early May (can't remember). I think for you "off the mountain" (as they say around here!) March/April is the preferred time. We have plenty of runners that really need to be transplanted. And I think they really prefer full sun but will probably do okay in part shade. They usually make it through the heat okay. There are huge U-pick strawberry farms down around the triangle and they make it through the summers just fine. Good luck!

-- Bren (wayoutfarm@skybest.com), February 13, 2002.

Hi Kevin we plant ours the last week of March. So far they've done pretty good. Last year we had to water them because of the drought conditions other than that you should be fine.

-- Kenneth in N.C. (wizardsplace13@hotmail.com), February 13, 2002.

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