Possible site for spring get-together for Ozark area forum membersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In regards to getting together to meet someone had suggested the spring get together at Baker Creek seeds near Mansfield, MO on april 14th and 15th. I emailed them and received a reply today from Jere the owner who thought it was a great idea. My idea was to have nametags available to identify those who wanted to wear them as members of the Countryside forum. He has IMHO lived a very sheltered life as he also wanted to know the address for the forum. So we may be getting a new member that should be a wealth of garden information also. I don't know how they will handle letting us identify ourselves but thought it might be worth trying.gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), February 12, 2002
Gail~I got my Baker Creek Seeds catalog in the mail last week and have been poring over it daily, planning and plotting!! I would love to go to their Spring event, but don't know if I can fit it in the schedule. I am a very new gardener, but my Dad has been organic for over 20 years. I would love to learn some new things, and this looks very informative. Did you go last year? I would also like to meet other CS forum members. Keep us posted.
-- Ivy in NW AR (balch84@cox-internet.com), February 12, 2002.
Just for Ozarks people? Can we travel from Michigan if we want?
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (gratacres@aol.com), February 12, 2002.
anybody want to do a plant swap while we're at it. i have lots of raspberries and strawberries to trade. maybe even some hostas if they are up. the lake of the ozarks would be a great place to meet also. they have a huge outlet mall there.
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 12, 2002.
That's on a Sunday and Monday, correct, Gail? What time? Are they having an open house? And can someone post directions from Mansfield? Don't know what my work schedule will be, but I'd like to try to make it if I could.
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), February 12, 2002.
As an update the directions are in thier catalog with a map so would be better that me trying to describe it the website is www.rareseeds.com. This sounds like fun as I want to go anyway of course it is only about 14 miles or so for me so I guess I am cheating. Also in the catalog they say that they will have campsites for RV and Tents without hookups. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), February 12, 2002.
Shannon, thinking about making the trip??? Need help with gas??
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), February 12, 2002.
hi again, we need to have a role call for missouri. we might find that our neibors are countryside forum people also. rany
-- randy in missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 12, 2002.
I am from Mtn View Mo and we went and looked at 39 acres in Mansfield Mon. I love the Ozarks and the get together sounds like alot of fun.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), February 12, 2002.
Mountain View here also....Just off hiway Y
-- Doc (thisisdoc@aol.com), February 13, 2002.
Ooops, sorry Randy - Illinoisan here! Just a couple hours over the border! ;o)
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), February 13, 2002.
Im here in Sw corner of MO. I might be able to come to Baker creek on Sunday. I would love to thank them personally for their service above and way beyond the norm anyway. I wish a couple of Texas people could make it also. Thay have been very helpful to me. I wish I could thank them In person too. It would be nice to meet someone in this area also. Hope to meet you there!
-- Corky Wolf (corkywolf@hotmail.net), February 13, 2002.
I am the one who suggested Baker's Creek and glad others feel the same about it. Randy, I will bring the gooseberry plants when I go, so bring the raspberry ones.I have gourd mania and Baker's creek sure does help.I think wearing name tags is great.Hope to see everyone who can come. It is on Sunday and Monday and not Saturday and Sunday. Terry
-- Terry Lipe (elipe@fidnet.com), February 13, 2002.
A couple of things: #1. Someone writes: "... get-together for Ozark area forum members ..."It is OZARKS if you are referring to the whole area. Ozark (singular) is the name of a town in the Ozarks (actually the name of two towns, one in Missouri and the other in Arkansas).
#2 Are you Ozarker homsteaders aware of the wonderful resource in Lebanon known as Ellen Gray Massey? She is a retired teacher with a lot of experience in crafts and history. For many years, she and her students at the Lebanon schools put together Bittersweet, a magazine that was the Ozarks-specific version of Appalacia's Foxfire series.
Ellen has a web site at www.runningriver.com and the Foxfire articles are all archieved in the Springfield, Mo., library site. There is a link from Ellen's home page.
Just a couple of thoughts that may be of interest.
Vern M., The Little House on the Highway (tm) www.runningriver.com/modeland/littlehouse.htm
-- Vern M. (modeland@runningriver.com), February 13, 2002.
I hope I can come up with the Gas to make it to Mansfield since it is so far away, at least 9 miles. Might be able to make that one dale in Norwood
-- dale (dgarr@fidnet.com), February 13, 2002.
Hello! Jere here at Baker Creek Seeds... Great to see all the interest and every one is welcome! We have had growers from Ca. Ny. Wi. Ar. Ky. Tn. Ks. Il. Wa. Ms. Ok. and other states, We are having an Amish crew build a new (old- fashioned) barn so we will have more seating, etc. We again have some great speakers coming and many venders. Bring your seeds, plants, books etc, etc. anything related to heirloom gardening and homesteading. By the way vending and all seed swaps are free, admission and camping are also FREE!I am really exited abouting meeting every one, See Ya soon, Jere
SPRING PLANTING FESTIVAL- & MARKET GROWERS CONFERENCE- April 14 & 15, (Sun. & Mon.) 2002. 10 am -6 pm/ both days! Come to our 2nd annual Spring Fest! Admission Free! Hear the best known heirloom garden speakers! - Brook Elliott is a heirloom garden and outdor writer from Kentucky, who writes for Mother Earth News and many others. A fascinating speaker who is one of the real promoters of the heirloom seed movement. Ron Matcher , Publisher of -"Small Farm Today" and founder of the "National Small Farm Trade Show" that has become the largest in the Country. One of the top agriculture leaders in the U.S. He is doing a wonderful job helping preserve small agriculture. Merlyn Neidens , heirloom seed grower. Seed saving expert who has developed some superb market tomatoes. He will be speaking on market growing and seed saving. Has been a popular speaker at our other shows. Other speakers pending. Learn all the latest on market gardening, selecting varieties for markets, selling to chefs, seed saving, gene-altered food, organic pest control, vegetable history and much more! Bring seeds, vegetables, plants, garden supplies, books and hard crafted items to display and sell. There will be venders selling lots of plants (many varieties of heirloom vegetables, berries, herbs, flowers and ornamentals) books, tools, seeds, produce, baked goods, natural products and much more! We will be having special sales at our Baker Creek Store! Many old time garden and seed tools will be on display, and will again have old fashioned music. Come and enjoy the fun! The Fest will be held at our farm, near Mansfield, MO. VENDERS WELCOME! (There will be some food for sale) FOR INFO CALL 417-924-8917 (RV & Tent camping available, no hookups.) Last years' festival was a great sucsess with nearly 600 people from 10 states. We had superb speakers and venders and every one had a great time! COME GET READY FOR PLANTING SEASON!
-- Jere Gettle (seeds@rareseeds.com), February 13, 2002.
Will be moving down there in March - count me in!
-- Soni (thomkilroy@hotmail.com), February 14, 2002.
I'm in Ava, just down the road, count me in!
-- CJ (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), February 14, 2002.
How far from the Ok. border (Mo.,Ark,Ok spot)? I am on the Ok.Ark border but down a few hours. I need to get the map out, I am assuming it is East of Joplin?
-- debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), February 14, 2002.
Yay!! Hubs says we can drive down on Saturday night; then spend most of the day Sunday there! We don't camp, so we'll be looking for a motel nearby - anyone local know of a good one?So - looks like they're expecting a pretty good crowd - how're we going to know who's who? Name tags? T-shirts? Carry a copy of Countryside mag in your hand?
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), February 14, 2002.
Hello Gail,I think a get together would be a great idea! I live just east of Gainesville, Mo. which isn't too far from Mansfield.
Vern, don't forget there is also the county of Ozark to in Missouri, of which I have the priviledge to live!
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), February 14, 2002.
i forgot to say i live in williamsburg, mo. which is near columbia. williamsburg is on interstate 70 about 30 miles east of columbia and about 50 mileswest of st louis. it is the home of a great country store. its been in the same family for like 100 years. you can get just about anything there. it has the best sandwich for $1 you ever had.
-- randy in missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 14, 2002.
Count me in. I would love to meet with other countrysiders. I am building my homestead near Cedarcreek, MO.
-- Chris Tomlinson (horsewhisper411@hotmail.com), February 14, 2002.
This is no fair you guys!! Washington state is like soooooooo far away. If you guys want to talk about it anymore, you'll need to leave the room. LOL!! Have fun and I am green with envy ;)
-- Marie in Central WA (Mamafila@aol.com), February 14, 2002.
Count us in as well !! we are in Camdenton . Hey Ernest it will be GREAT to finaly meet ya all too . Taking the Harley ? lol. Lee & Ruth Jobe http://www.geocities.com/sugarmountain
-- Lee (sgrmtn@mo access.com), February 17, 2002.
what thread is this on. so i can find it later?
-- randy in central missouri (rwybrant@coin.org), February 19, 2002.