UPDATE ON BACKUP CD's OF FORUMgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hey folks, just an update on the backup CD's I'm making of the forum, I got ten of them burned off today, and was able to include not only the entire history of the Countryside forum, but the Countryside Families and the Freedom! Self Reliance forums as well. They are now ready to ship.If you would like one and did not email me already, please do so. For those of you who sent mail asking for my mailing address, it is as follows:
13236 Executive Park Terrace Germantown, MD 20874
--Chuck (woah@mission4me.com), February 11, 2002
And I guess this should go without saying . . . but I'll chime in with a reminder anyway . . .Those of us who will be making this request should also include, along with the $4.00 charge, a self addressed stamped CD mailer envelope. I imagine making Chuck pay for the postage and envelopes could get mighty expensive on his part. It's only fair people; Chuck is doing a mighty nice service.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), February 12, 2002.
Don't worry about it, though that is a nice gesture. The $4 price includes postage. This is not meant to be a money making venture.
-- chuck in md (woah@mission4me.com), February 12, 2002.
Please include me! I'll send the $ to your address stated above. Thanks very much!
-- Pam (psanford@terraworld.net), February 12, 2002.