ILLINOIS HOMESTEAD FOR SALE!! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have to sell our 8 acre farm because my hubby was transferred out of state.We would love to sell it to a fellow homesteader.It is in Ohio,Illinois.Our farm is surrounded by 200+acres of corn and soybeans. It is so peaceful.It has one huge six-stall barn,cattle barn,corncrib,hen-house and separate turkey house.They have electricity.MThe house is 100 years old and is completely renovated from top to bottom. It is a two-story,four-square farmhouse.There are pine-plank floors and maple.We are asking 139,900. If this is something you would be interested in,please e-mail me.
-- Sherry (, February 11, 2002
This house also has a huge garden with 12 blueberry bushes,7 apple trees,raspberry bushes,4 grape-vines and the half-acre garden is entirely fenced.
-- Sherry (, February 11, 2002.
What is the appraised value?
-- mitch hearn (, February 12, 2002.
Sounds nice...and it's within 30 miles of me! Didn't know anyone was so close. It figures, I just find out about you when you have to move! I'm by Amboy.Jody
-- Jody (, February 12, 2002.