Momentary loss of ignition/fuel delivery (or something similar) : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

I've been having a problem with my bike that I picked up new on Friday.

There have been 3 instances of ignition or fuel delivery loss while I have been riding. It lasts about a second, and then comes back in. Happened once at low RPM in second gear, happened again accelerating in about third, and once on the freeway in sixth. Then it happened again tonight on the way home just after I started the bike. It died completely and did a "reboot" (the gauges and tach did their cycle as if I'd just turned the key). Then it did it again, and then the battery was almost too dead to start it.

I've noticed that the battery doesn't seem to strong. It seems like the problems could be related to a weak battery (and the dealer confirmed that the battery may be weak, but he wasn't sure).

Anyone else with similar experiences?

-- Andy R (, February 11, 2002


My bike died on me while going 70+ mph on the freeway due to a loose fuel hose clamp.

-- mod (, February 12, 2002.

I had similar experiences last year (mileage 300) with my F4. My dealer told me that the generator had died. After changing generator all worked well. Charge your battery; maybe that it works all fine - for a short time. Then motor dies and gauges and tach do their cycle as if turning key.

Best wishes


-- Bernd Froehlich (, February 12, 2002.

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