Uncle Samgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Bill Laswell : One Thread |
I simply like everyone else want someone to check out my band at www.unclesamband.com Michael Wagener (Ozzy,Extreme) has shown interest in us of late...and I am looking to do something with this high energy rock funk band! Thank you so much for your time!Dave Fowler
-- Dave Fowler (DAVEFONBASS@aol.com), February 11, 2002
Dave, Here's the only spot I could find to write this. It was great seeing you the other day in Daytona. The only problem is I can't remember if you said you were playing there. If you are, and get this, call me right away at 407-697-4153 and let me know where & when. Even if you're not playing, call anyway. Doug Gery is down from Nashville doing the Ace Frehley gig with the KISS ARMY band and we'd like to hook up & hang with you. Thanks Bud, Barry
-- Barry Hall (bhall@fullsail.com), March 05, 2003.