On 4 Feb, I proposed making a backup CD of the Countryside Forum, so that if it ever goes down for some reason, we won't lose the incredible library of knowledge that is housed here. Many of you responded that you'd like to get a copy.Those of you who responded to the previous post have received a private email from me, but if you were not on the previous list and would like a copy of the Countryside Forum knowledgebase, please let me know so I can add you to the list.
I'm ready to burn the copies now, and so if you're still interested, please let me know and I'll make you one. It's going to cost me about $4 to make the CD's, so that's what I'm asking, and I'll ship as soon as payment appears. I'll accept Check, Money Order, Cash, or payment by PayPal.
If you'd like a copy of the CD, please send me an email at: with your name in the subject and your address in the body of the message. This will aid me in keeping everyone separate.
I'll wait to burn the cd's until just before I send them out to you so that they will be as up-to-date as possible.
--Chuck (, February 08, 2002
I'm so disappointed. You won't accept chickens or goat meat? What about a tanned deer hide..... Sounds great Chuck. I'll be sending my $4 soon......
-- Gailann Schrader (, February 08, 2002.
what exactly are we getting? cd full of txt files? one large file? files that can only work with a database program?
-- steve (, February 08, 2002.
You will get a CD with the entire website on it, in .html format. You will be able to browse the site just like you currently do online. It will only be current up to the moment that I burn the cd however. Perhaps we should do this every year?You will view it with your browser just like you do now. Links within the forum that point to somewhere outside the forum would still be links to those external sites, but the external sites themselves would not be backed up on the CD.
Good Question!
-- chuck in md (, February 08, 2002.
Chuck, would it be possible for you to do it on R/W so we could add to them ourselves?? Maybe for an additional cost since those disks are more expensive??
-- diane (, February 08, 2002.
maybe create cd's once a year, but would be nice to create a backup each month. maybe keep the last two months in a dir. then if something goes wrong, they can be burned to a cd for restoration or just ftp them to a new area. depends on how much work it is to make a backup.
-- steve (, February 08, 2002.
I don't think it's worth it to go the CD-RW route, the CD's are getting so cheap it's just as easy to throw it out and burn a new one. I do keep a weekly backup of the site most of the time, just in case it ever goes down for good.
-- chuck in md (, February 08, 2002.
Chuck, I'll raise my hand here, but it will take me a while to get set up for PayPal. Nothing else is really feasible - oh, if I was totally desperate there is a thing called International Money Order, but the charges are very steep. I'll just make this a statement of intent - no rush. Any real urgency has been taken care of by the fact that the forum is now independently backed up, and will soon be in multiple locations. Thank heavens - I just can't get broadband access here (unless I go satellite, and I can't even do that where I'm living now, let alone afford it). When I'm ready, we can e-mail about things like cost of international postage and so forth.
-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (, February 08, 2002.
are you only backing up countryside? maybe country families also? just wondering.
-- steve (, February 08, 2002.
Count me in too, I can't imagine doing without all this info! It will take me a bit of time, so no rush here, we are very tight on the cash right now....
-- Sandie in Maine (, February 08, 2002.
Does it have all the old archive posts ? I'm very interested if it has all the posts that Ken deleted--you know, the ones containing references to God or free speech.
-- Joel Rosen (, February 09, 2002.
Joel. if he is just now backing it up, any deleted posts are gone. Once they are deleted they don't show up. However I have been told that sometimes they still pop up on google, if you know the name of the thread or punch in your old e-mail address, some of them may show up.
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 09, 2002.
Hey, I'd love a copy but can't get my email to work. Where do I send my money to??
-- Sue (, February 09, 2002.
A CD with of the Countryside Forum . . . heck yes, I'm interested. Way too good a deal to pass up.
-- j.r. guerra in s. tx. (, February 11, 2002.
RE: deleted threads, once they are deleted, the links shown on a search engine are neutralized in that they take you to a page stating "there is a problem" or something similar.
-- Rick (Soouthwest West Virginia) (, February 11, 2002.
Heck ya I want one, you betcha, uh-huh! Will send out $$ in the am & many thanks!.Katie.
-- K-K-K-Katie (, February 28, 2002.
What is the address to send the cash to?
-- Anne (, March 01, 2002.
Still no address.......
-- Anne (, March 05, 2002.
I think there is another thread floating around here that has an address in it, topic is also close to this one....--->Paul
-- paul (, March 06, 2002.