Nubians (or other milkers) available (wanted) in NY state? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi -- we're interested in getting 1 or 2 young does this spring. We're in the Fingerlakes region of NY, but willing to drive for some good, healthy (not necessarily registered/papered, but my son would like to make a 4H project of a doe).

Thanks! Andrea in Elmira, NY

-- Andrea Gauland (, February 07, 2002


Response to Nubians (or other milkers) available in NY state?

We used to live in western nYS, in fact it was there w ehad our humble beginnings in goats 14 yrs ago with nubians. I do know of some good breeders and will e-mail you privately their information. Give me a few days and I will get a more complete list, our son, his wife and 2 grandsons just moved here from VA to join us in AR with our madcapped dairy adventure. Hope this will help.


-- Bernice (, February 07, 2002.

Response to Nubians (or other milkers) available in NY state?

Hey there. I go through Elmira weekly in the spring and summer. I could (and would happily) bring you one or a couple of milk goat kids. I have Lamancha/ nubian crosses with a little Boer in the wood pile. The "mom" has been an excellent milker. We have a couple due in April, the asking price will be $50 each. I paid 150 for the lamancha, so I guess 50 is a reasonable price. If you decide to get some before these are ready, and find some in VA, MD, PA or something, give me a holler and Ill see if I cant help you out by delivering (free- if its not too far off my way), as Elmira isnt off my way at all.

-- Kevin in NC (, February 08, 2002.

I probably live about 20 minutes from you !!!! Small world !! I have mostly Nubians and some are due to kid soon. I could register them if you need that done. Haven't in the past couple of years due to no market, I have found, in my area. Also, have friends that have nubians and other breds nearby so let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you !!!

-- Helena (, February 08, 2002.

Hello, I am also in NY (Delaware County) and am interested in buying one or two Nubian doe kids for my daughter to show in 4H at the local fair. We currently have a small herd of Alpine does but have been considering adding Nubians into the mix :) Please email me if you may have some kids available later in the season. Bottle kids preferred. Thanks! Carien

-- Carien (, February 17, 2002.

I am currently in the market for a Nubian Buck in the Jamestown Area any ideas?? Please email me.

-- Julie S (, March 16, 2002.

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