looking to rent farm (NE MO area) (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for a farm with or without a house to rent, 40-150 acres prefer pasture some outbuildings in northeastern Missouri possible option to buy. We are rasing sheep and goats. Have contacted realty companies but sometimes word of mouth works best? Any info anyone can provide or leads I will appreciate!Thanks, Dale e-mail: creek@dstream.net
-- Dale Karl (creek@dstream.net), February 07, 2002
I grew up in NE Missouri.Avoid the farms in the drainage districts along the Mississippi River. They flood every 20 years or so.
A homestead within 50 miles of Quincy, IL will allow you to have decent access to shopping and medical care.
If you look at the map, there really isn't much of anything except land in extreme northeast Missouri.
-- Steve in So. WI (Alpine1@tds.net), February 08, 2002.