Ken do we need to move the forum? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Have you and Dave talked about moving the forum to a more dependable site? I for the most part like how this one works when it does but how often is that happening here lately? I want a CD back up for all the info that is already here but miss getting the new threads and answers too. I also have asked questions that need answers ASAP as have many others. Also if this site does crash I would hope a new one starts and that the info will be on the Countryside home page. I love the magazine but need the forum too. I also look at the new people we get quite often on the site and wonder how many come to the site see it is down so much and don't know that they need to keep coming back as the site is worth the trouble. I also wonder at how it reflects on the magazine to be associated with a forum that seems to be in trouble so much. Gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 06, 2002
Yeah, I have been noticing that it crashes a lot too. Is it Trolls or other uglies? Or are we just a fabulous site? :o>
-- Gailann Schrader (, February 06, 2002.
Poor Ken. Is the forum giving you fits? I noticed that it was down for a bit. Sure do miss ya'll when it is down! Glad that you're back!
-- Nan (, February 06, 2002.
Dave, oh Dave. This one's for you.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 06, 2002.
So somebody.........where would we move?? EZ board goes down also and you have those terrible popup unless you pay something. So lucenet goes down, it comes back. I love this format and would rather have what we have, crashes and all, than something not nearly as nice as this.
-- diane (, February 06, 2002.
Agreed! This forum is so easy to read and without lots of annoyances. I checked on back-ups for Country Families, and although we have one it is not nearly as easy to read as this one. I think most people are used to some troubles with servers and providers.
-- Melissa in SE Ohio (, February 06, 2002.
I want everyone to know that I too like how this is set up and I guess because I use it so much it just feels like home. I am not trying to start trouble but like the group of people here so much and depend on them as I hope others can depend on me. I just want to make sure that if this does go down for good that maybe if a new site is started that Dave will let us know where it is so we can stay electronic neighbors. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 06, 2002.
I like this forum!!!!!!! whats the problem with it?
-- John B (, February 06, 2002.
Why not make a backup at ezboard just for a gathering place during down time. I set one for the singletree board and BTS and Freedom do it also. I have not seen both boards down at the same time. This format is the best IMO and should always be the primary.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 06, 2002.
good question Gail. have wondered the same thing for the same reasons.ditto what Jay said (or something that accomplishes similar) keeping this board as the primary. a fall-back plan is always good.
-- B. Lackie - Zone3 (, February 06, 2002.
I thought it might have been down because I had told too many people how good this site is, and they 'overloaded the circuits!' I like the fact that this forum's setup is so clean and straight forward. No clutter. I like the idea of an alternate place to go if it's down - kind of like sharing an awning when it's raining?
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, February 06, 2002.
Patty and Melissa have back-up boards for messages, questions, photo's and chat, on MSN.COMCountry Families and Hi Gail
I know how dependant most of us are on these boards, and how we miss them when they are unavailable.
Countryside friends pictures are the names of 2 alternate forums located on MSN.COM
You have to register with an e-mail address, when you set it up.
I thought I read Chuck (MD)say he had the older questions backed up on CD. I'm sure he would share the wealth were it necessary to set up a new site in the event of the server shutting down.
-- Rick (Southwest West Virginia) (, February 06, 2002.
I have three sites that I check on every visit to this web thing, and this is one of them. I would love to see the glitches worked out of this thing so that it is consistantly operating for all. I can only come on this e-beast four days on and four days off, and I wasn't sure that I'd get to check out all the new questions, and innovative brainstorms that result. This place is a cyclone of homesteading lore, and should be preserved somehow. I hope the mag can get it running without flaw.
-- roberto pokachin in B.C. (, February 07, 2002.
It is not just the countryside is the entire Lusenet. Wish they could do a fix or upgrade or something. I miss the "family" when they are down!
-- Karen (, February 07, 2002.
My offer to host still stands.I currently run a forum that gets far more traffic than this forum does. You can see it at
I have another domain called - I could set up the same forum software there.
-- Paul Wheaton (, February 07, 2002.
I vote to keep it here. It doesn't go down so much as to cause too many problems. I really like the setup, so easy to read. I don't know why other forums are so labor intensive to read!
-- Debbie in MO (, February 07, 2002.
This forum is really nice and easy for us non expert computer users. So what if it is down at times, it makes one appreciate it more when it is working. I do not like all the pop up advertisers used on other sites. They do their job real well which is to distract people but most of us would rather not see them. Keep up the good work, I like it as it is.
-- jim phillips (, February 09, 2002.
not everything is perfect. let sleeping dogs lie.
-- cody (, February 09, 2002.