We're back!!!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
Whew, we are back up! I know we have been been down a long time, but it is my understanding that when Lusnet goes all the way down, that someone has to go and manually restart it at another location. That is why sometimes it takes a while. So, please be sure and bear with us when that happens. Just keep checking back and have faith --- don't leave, we'll be back!
-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), February 06, 2002
We set up a backup board at ezboard.com to afford a gathering place during downtimes. Some of the other offshoot forums also have backup boards as a contingency plan. Your site is doing great, glad I added it to my favorites.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), February 06, 2002.