Info. on Vivitar Enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I was given a used Vivitar enlarger that was purchased from a local photography shop. Unfortunately, there was no user manual, nor was there any model information. I am wondering if anyone knows where to find lenses, manuals etc. for a Vivitar enlarger. I haven't developed/processed in 8 years, this novice would appreciate any help!Thanks.

-- Sarah Marcarian-Dabb (, February 04, 2002


Try eBay. That's probably the best source for miscellaneous items. B&H and other mail order places also sell enlarger lenses, and you will get a better guarantee and return policy if something is wrong. There is someone who sells manuals on a CD, but I don't know if it includes Vivitar. If not, find someone who is selling a model like yours and inquire whether they have a manual they are willing to share with you. I have found manuals for various darkroom equipment items this way. Just return the favor to others some day.

-- Jim Rock (, February 05, 2002.

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