Speed Queen wringer washer model FW3093W value?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
What is the value of a Speed Queen wringer washer model FW3093W serial # 68F6359, 120 volt, 7 amps? How do I go about selling something like this beauty? It looks like new, was in the home that my son just purchased.Doris from Port Clinton, OH
-- Doris Higgins (dhiggins@dotplanet.com), February 04, 2002
www.ebay.com. Search completed auctions, first. Good luck!
-- Kathy (catfish201@hotmail.com), February 04, 2002.
Wish you were closer that is the type of washer I want to get when I can they use less water. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), February 04, 2002.
forget ebay! Sell it to me!!!
-- mb - texas (beneng@ispwest.com), February 04, 2002.
Actually, not much. I've bought several at estate auctions for resale, usually not paying more than $25 (average) to $50 (excellent), with resale at $50 to $100. There are currently two for sale on eBay without apparently a lot of interest.They can be shipped UPS. Go to a furniture store and see if you can find an empty box with the proper width and at least as tall as the washer with the winger removed. If the box is taller, it can be cut down to still fold over. For a price estimate to a destination (zip code) go to www.ups.com and key in the variables. Better yet, once you have the weight and package size, call your local UPS drop-off point for a quote as most will charge a handling surcharge over the web site quote. Also, UPS will charge extra for delivery to a remote location.
Unless you can actually try it out, sell it as-is, where-is. Although it may look like new, the seals may have dried out and cracked.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), February 05, 2002.
When I thought my Speed Queen had died on me I put an ad in the local newspaper and got a few responses. The prices ranged from $50 to $400 ( give me a break?) for "as is" condition. Fortunately for me and my washer it was just that the grease for some reason got really dirty?? Sounded strange to me also but the old fellow only charged me $40 to get it running again..mine is a 1972. Guess it up to who wants it badly enough and how far they are...but if I were you I would seriously think about just keeping it and even if you only use it outside in the summer to use the water to water your plants it would be well worth your while. Good Luck !!
-- Helena (windyacs@npacc.net), February 06, 2002.
wait a minuet M B i thought you were moving? but thats ok i got a big truck
-- Bobco (bobco@kans.com), February 06, 2002.
I have just been looking for a wringer washer, and found one that fits that description at Lehman's on the net. They want a fortune. But what I was thinking for you, is the possibility that it might not just LOOK new, but BE new, not just look it. Then it would be worth a bund
-- Rosemary Gwaltney (mountainrecluse@yahoo.com), February 08, 2002.
... and if it is old, you might like something they sell for $2.00, called "Speed Queen Wringer Washer Literature". In any case, there are cheaper wringer washers available there, and several people on this column might enjoy Lehman's. Its URL is: http://www.lehmans.com/cgi-bin/ncommerce3/ExecMacro/lehmans/dsphomepag e.dw/re
-- Rosemary Gwaltney (mountainrecluse@yahoo.com), February 08, 2002.