We did it, we did it, we did it! (Land)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just came home from making the last payment on our land, had the deed recorded and it's ours! Wow, does this feel good! Couldn't wait to get home to share with all of you. I have only had my computer and been reading this web site(and contributing) for only three weeks, but I feel like you are all my family. I am just amazed at how caring the people are that read this web site. It's just great how quickly everyone responds to a problem someone is having, how quickly you answer a question, or how quickly you praise someone for their good luck. This web site is the greatest and so are all of you. Hope all of you are having a great day.
-- Jo in PA (farmerjo02@yahoo.com), February 04, 2002
CONGRATS!!!!!! I hope to be in your shoes 6 months from now. Only makes it seem so much sooner. This is a great site isn't it? I have only been here two weeeks, thought I lost my little one( nanny goat) but everyone here helped soooo much. Good luck with all. You have a great day also, as i'm sure you are :)
-- Sue in PA (suelpn30@hotmail.com), February 04, 2002.
That's really great, Jo!!! Are you living on your land now? Just knowing that it's all yours makes all the difference in the world, doesn't it?! Happy Homesteading :-)!
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), February 04, 2002.
FANTASTIC!!! I am so happy for you! Must be a wonderful feeling! And they said Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, and Thanksgiving can't be all on the same day... Wow... I'm in awe...
-- Gailann Schrader (gtschrader@aol.com), February 04, 2002.
I can't wait to be in your shoes! Good job!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), February 04, 2002.
YIPPY KI A KI OOOOOH! What a great feeling that must be! Good going Jo!!!!!
-- Nan (davidl41@ipa.net), February 04, 2002.
Good on ya Jo!!!!! I'm so excited for you, I may have missed it, but where in Pa? and tell us what you are going to do with your land, house, animals etc.You are on your way to financial freedom!!
-- Carol K (ck7951@bluefrognet.net), February 04, 2002.
WAY TO GO..JO! Someday I'll be in your shoes too! What ya gonna do with all the extra money you'll have, that isn't gonna go into land payments? Food for thought eh?
-- Harmony (harmonyfarm57@hotmail.com), February 04, 2002.
Happy, Happy, Happy for you!! I remember when we paid off our place, what a wonderful feeling, but no one that we shared it with even cared. Even family was ho-hum, but of course, we are going in a different direction and that's okay. I am glad for you, that you are among like minded people who can rejoice with you!!! An idea, if you have children, make a COPY of the mortgage and then have a mortgage burning ceremony after dinner......just don't burn the place down!! LOL It will be a memory that they might never forget and you will be instilling a value that could be with them forever. Marie
-- Marie in Central WA (Mamafila@aol.com), February 04, 2002.
Way to go Jo!!!! Congratulations!!!!
-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), February 04, 2002.
Congratulations JO! You've made it : ) Enjoy your place every moment you can. All of our best, Randy & Kristin
-- Kristin, in La. (sevenstonestile@earthlink.net), February 04, 2002.
Congrats Jo I hope to someday soon have the same. Those of you waiting to get started do it however you can. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), February 04, 2002.
I AM SO IMPRESSED!!! You did it! congratulations, way to go, ( patting you on the back ), All that hard work really payed off, I am so JEALOUS!!!!....LOL....just kidding...
-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), February 05, 2002.
what part of pa is your property in. good luck
-- ron Bennett (mr_swift_26547@yahoo.com), February 09, 2002.