Backup CD of Countryside Forum Knowledge : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Since the forum server has been less than bulletproof lately, I've been backing the entire site up on my hard drive every so often, so that if it ever crashes for good we'll be able to pick up the pieces and start over again. I would hate to see such an accumulated body of knowledge disappear. Currently there are over 141,000 messages catalogued on this forum. Anyway, I could probably burn copies of the site onto a cd if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy for use offline.Is anyone interested? Ken?
--Chuck (, February 04, 2002
Yes!!! Just let me know when if you do, and the cost! Thanks for making the offer!
-- Lynn in Wash. (, February 04, 2002.
...Or, if you would like to back it up yourself, I use a little program called HTTrack Website Copier that you can download and update from time to time yourself!
-- chuck in md (, February 04, 2002.
Chuck, do you have a ftp you could upload all that to? A mirror site would be handy too. How much space does that use currently?
-- Dave (, February 04, 2002.
It currently uses a little less than 300 meg.
-- chuck in md (, February 04, 2002.
Chuck:I think I can speak for Dave in Countryside's endorsing your effort. The Forum is not copyrighted, so there are no legal questions involved.
Dave has discussed forum support with either Alex or Phil Greenspun and they indicated they have no plans to discontinue the service.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 04, 2002.
I, too, would love a copy, if you decide to burn them off. How much?
-- Soni (, February 04, 2002.
A great idea Chuck!! Let us know how much and where to send to etc. Be sure to cover wear and tear on the ole burner! I'll bet this is a popular idea!
-- Ross (, February 04, 2002.
Me too.
-- Martin (, February 04, 2002.
Me three!
-- Hank (, February 04, 2002.
I also would like a chance to get one post or email when you are ready to fill orders. Thanx gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (, February 04, 2002.
Don't leave me out!!! Just let me know how much and I'll send it on...Thanks for doing this.
-- Debbie in S IL (, February 04, 2002.
I would love to have a copy. Just let me know when. I havent had any luck at site capture.
-- Tom in SE Okla (, February 04, 2002.
ME ME ME. Please
-- Susan in Northern Michigan (, February 05, 2002.
I'm interested too!
-- Amy (, February 05, 2002.
forget the mushroom raising venture. I think you've found your niche market.
-- B. Lackie (, February 05, 2002.
I would love to buy a copy from you. Please let me know how much and dont forget to include shipping. What a wonderful idea!! Colleen
-- Colleen (, February 06, 2002.