llama gestationgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have three female llamas that have been exposed to the male for several months. I know leaving the male with the females for an extended period of time is not the thing to do but it happened. My question is how can I tell when they are getting close to delivering? Any signs that they are close?
-- Al Buseman (mrb@netins.net), February 03, 2002
Get this book if you can, llama supply companies carry it. It is THE llama book, the one vets use. Caring for Llamas and Alpacas A Health and Management Guide By Clare Hoffman, DVM & Ingrid Asmus ISBN#0- 9622768-2-0Llama gestation is called Parturition. Here is what the book says. " The average llama is pregnant for 340 to 345 days." "however pergnancy can range from 330 to 375 days with some llamas going a full year with each pregnancy. Parturition is the medical term used for birthing. Some llamas do show external signs of pregnancy as the patutition time nears, and some do not. Most llamas' mammary glands willenlarge one to six weeks before partirition. However, it is not unusual for mammary enlargement not to occure until after the birthing, especially for first time mothers." This is the first paragraph of an eight + pages of pictures and troubleshooting guide. I think you have plenty of time to get this book. You can write me back if you need more info.
-- Susan in Minnesota (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), February 03, 2002.
This link seems to cover all the basics, but no specific observable signs that will definitely tell you that your llamas are getting close: Llama, http://www.purdyvet.com/repro.html This site, by a vet states: imminent labor shown by frequent urination and defecation, up and down behavior.
-- BC (desertdweller44@yahoo.com), February 04, 2002.