poultry auction

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Went to a poultry auction today. First one in the area this year. Must have been a long winter cause those chickens were really selling high. The last auction I went to late last summer the chickens were selling real cheap. Hens were going for about 4-6 dollars each and roosters were as low as 50-75 cents each. The auction I went to today some of the hens were selling as high as 12.50 each and roosters didn't sell any cheaper than 2.00 each. I butchered two RIR roosters yesterday and if I had known the prices were up I think I would have sold them at the auction. I think I probably could have gotten about 4-5 dollars a piece for them. Maybe I might have learned something today. Almost spring, people are wanting to buy early.

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), February 03, 2002


What you've just described is very typical of the spring and fall bird auctions we have here. Everyone wants birds in the spring, and the prices are sometimes ridiculous. Many people don't want to over- winter their birds, so prices stay low.

-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (bernadette_kerr@hotmail.com), February 03, 2002.


WHERE? I used to go to one in Tahlequah, but the guy quit having it. I really miss it. It was fun to go just to see what was there. I'd love to know of another.

-- Mona in OK (modoc@ipa.net), February 03, 2002.

Mona and r.h.in okla. I live in Tahlequah, The poultry auction is in Peggs, OK. on the first sunday of the month. its about ahalf mile past peggs on the left. Marilyn

-- Marilyn (marilyn@intellex.com), February 04, 2002.

Hey Marylin, that is the auction that I went to yesterday! On Hwy 82 and 82c. I believe the auctioneer was Dale Ragsdale. Was you there?

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), February 04, 2002.

I wish I could find an auction in North/Central Florida that would handle poultry. If it's smaller than a goat they don't want to deal with it so far as I can tell around here.


-- Alan (athagan@atlantic.net), February 04, 2002.

If your in huron county Ontario Canada on a friday night there is a small animal auction at kinlough. Ross and sherry have a great time with their weekly sale and ocasionally have weaner pigs and kid goats as well.. Keady livestock has been going for years small animals start at 10:00 tuesdays sheep goats pigs and drop calves at 12:00 WWW.keadylivestock.com

-- Joe (dyslexic_farmers@wightman.ca), February 04, 2002.

rh in okla, No I was'nt, I wanted to, I hope I can next month. Marilyn

-- Marilyn (marilyn@intellex.com), February 04, 2002.

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