Quiet on the homefront (Over-the-Fence/Chatting)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
All's quiet on the homefront here today. Up early, chopping apples for the dehydrator to make cinnamon apple snacks, Baked a batch of chocolate, chocolate chip cookies last night after getting home from work about 6:30 p.m. and making shepards pie for supper. This morning after getting the apples in the dehydrator, I put on a crockpot full of Great Northern Beans and Ham (will make up a batch of cornbread to go with it later tonight) and baked a batch of regualr chocolate chip cookies. Laundry is going, son has taken care of the turtle. I still have to get to the bird cage though. Cub scout meeting this afternoon. Will try to retire early tonight to start the week fresh again tomorrow. Oh how I long for the day when I can get out of the rat race and enjoy a simpler life on our own homestead (sigh!) Wondering what the outcome will be of hubby's job offer in Baltimore, Maryland. Will we native Floridians be relocating? Only God knows the answer to that question right now. For now, we wait and pray for His will. Glad I can come here to share some of my thoughts. Sorry if this post is not really (directly) related to homesteading. Just needed to be among friends for awhile. Thanks for listenting. Wishing you all a blessed day!Blessings,
-- Greenthumbelina (sck8107@aol.com), February 03, 2002
Greenrhumbelina hey we have missed hearing from you hope all is doing well!!!!
-- Sandy(FL.) (REDNECKGIRL32@prodigy.net), February 03, 2002.
I am so glad to hear from you! I have been wondering what has happened to you and what you have been up to.Keep in touch with us and let us know whether you move or not and wherever you go, remember we are thinking of you.
Best always
-- Cindy (colawson@mindspring.com), February 03, 2002.
Welcome back. I was wondering where you went. It sounds like you're making steady headway on the path to self-sufficiency.
-- Dave (something@somewhere.com), February 03, 2002.
I've been missing you! Please keep us in mind.
-- Ardie/WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), February 03, 2002.
Chocolate chip cookies???? Wish I could have some of those.............
-- Mary R. (cntryfolk@ime.net), February 03, 2002.