Just Glad to Be Here (Over-the-Fence/Chatting)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Good Morning! It's almost 6AM here (Michigan) and I'M UP (been up for a while too). "Glory Be" as Grandma used to say. I don't have barn/outside animals yet to take care of as I am not on my land yet. I was thinking how special it will be to see the sun come up while working outside, to not hear the traffic, to listen to the birds begin the day. To chase the deer out of the garden. Ahhh, waxing poetic. I know, I know, there will be troubles and problems and sprained muscles and rope burns and sick animals. I don't think I'll trade those things for a desk and suited up co-workers with lunch plans at Chi Chi's talking about the next big client. Thanks for listening. Loving thoughts to all of you,
-- Susan in Northern Michigan (cobwoman@yahoo.com), February 02, 2002
Susan, I too am in Michigan, along the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan (well 20 miles from the shore anyway). I love it here. Yea, there will always be lake effect snow, lots of tourists in the summer, and stuff like that, but who cares? I get to see a beautiful sunrise almost every morning, no tall building to block the beautiful view! And an equally beautiful sunset every evening. The colors in the sunset seem to be enhanced by the waters of the lake! I don't have all the smog of the big city, and on days when the wind comes from the direction of the cow pastures, I don't even mind that. It's a natural smell and it doesn't choke me. The trees here are amazing. In the summer they are so full and there are so many, that they form a canopy. It is down right gorgeous! In the winter they stand there very stately. This weeks ice storm really brought out their beauty! The sun came out yesterday afternoon and shown from behind them and it was beautiful!!! Why even the country people here are great. My husband walked home from work last week because the car wouldn't start for him. Granted the farm is only 3 miles from home, but 3 people stopped to offer him a ride. It only took him 1/2 hour to walk home. Two of them were people he didn't even know. Well, he loves to walk and get the exercise, and he wanted to know how long it would take him, so he told them no thanks. But the point is that in the city, people are a lot more selfish or selfpreserving! I'll stay here in the country, where people still care about more than themselves! It's beautiful and it's HOME! I once had a flat tiret tire on I94 between Jackson and Ann Arbor. I sat in the car with my children for 2 hours with thousands of cars streaming by, and NOT ONE PERSON stopped to offer help! With all the people with cell phones you would think one of them could stop to offer a phone call. Anyway noone did. After 2 hours my family came looking for me. It is just very sad. So I'll stay here in the country, where life is a lot simpler.
-- Stacy in Michigan (dsparsons@lakeshore.net), February 02, 2002.
At 6 this morning I was watching the sun break over the pine trees and working on my third cup of "Colombian Crankcase Oil" in my favorite antique monagrammed milk glass coffee cup my mother gave me when I was six (boy am I getting old :>). Have a wonderful day.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), February 02, 2002.
Hello.We two are here in michigan also. 21 miles northwest of houghton lake. Ten acres of Pines and mixed hard woods. As I sit at my kitchen table I face esat and watch the sun comes up as I sip on my morning coffe. We left the rat race in April of this year and believe me when I say I dont miss Troy one bit. I worked at GM tech center in Pontiac for four years and do not miss that either. I'll take the squirrels up here over the ones down there any day. Thanks for letting me vent.
From the Pines
-- ron bulinda (rvbulinda@yahoo.com), February 02, 2002.
Ron and Stacy, We need to have a Michigan Countryside & SSJ picnic. KEN, CAN WE CALL IT THAT? A day at my place or wherever would be welcome. I will be South of Cadillac and North of Reed City off of 131. Stan will need to be there too along with any other Mich. Countrysiders (and anyone crazy enough to travel up here.) Lots of camping space. Only one outhouse and primitive pump tho. Odd, there's only one way to get to Michigan and that's North thru OH or IN. Unless you are coming down from the U.P. That's the State of Superior for those not in the know. Any Frogs or Canuks interested, eh? - smiling :) Maybe Red Green would show? Bring your Hudson Bay Blankets! I'll supply the skeeters.Jay, the drink is called Cowboy Coffee by us trail riders. Can't stand the stuff unless one is in the middle of nowhere, just crawled out of a tent, too cold to wash, it's 30 degrees and 6:00AM on a Spring or Fall morning AFTER the hosses are fed and watered. :) Lovin' it.
Thanks for letting me rattle on. Just havin' too much fun. Somebody slap me, can't be this happy! (stole from a song).
-- Susan in Northern Michigan (cobwoman@yahoo.com), February 02, 2002.
HEY RON!! your org chart page is still online here at gm. i guess u retired recently? within last 2 years.if everyone decides to have a michigan get-together, please announce it long and loud so i am sure to see it. i would be interested.
-- steve (stevetamara@mindspring.com), February 04, 2002.
Hi Stacey, R
-- Gary and Pris (MTASHEACRES@AOL.COM), March 02, 2002.
Hi Stacey, Ron and SUSAN. You have best world. So enjoy it. I;m going home to the UP IN THE SUMMER. I'm from Crystal Falls, Michigan and i miss our Family Farm. However, we have a small family farm in Upstate,NY. We raise chickens,ducks and goats. We market our eggs and produce. It's almost 6AM and I can hear the Rooster. I love that sound.When I look out the kitchen window I see the horses my nieighbor owns. i wouldn't trade that. I feel very Blessed. Take care and God Bless Priscilla Mountain Ashe Acres Farm MTASHEACRES@AOL.COM
-- Gary and Pris (MTASHEACRES@AOL.COM), March 02, 2002.