fair rent of gardens on farm land in Bucks Co. Pagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am planning to rent out some garden plots on the edge of a farm, that were used for experimental organic gardening a few years ago and have been sitting idle. The total area covers about a quarter of an acre and is laid out in nice sized plots. I want to rent out the whole lot to one renter, but do not know what to ask for rent.I could use some advice on what to charge for rent. There would be access to water and restroom facilities.
-- Conrad Martin (conradm@mn.org), February 01, 2002
make it clear to the renter of the liability, they could fall, and SUE you,,UNLESS you specify upfront who has to get the liability,, are something in writting that says that. As for rent,, whats the taxes on that part of the land and double it,, or check around
-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), February 01, 2002.