360/5.5 TELE-XENAR

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread


I am thinking about adding a 360/5.5 tele-xenar for use with my wista 4x5 wooden field camera & was looking for opinions from forum members on this lens.

I have seen this lens offered with & without a shutter, I am trying to keep costs down do you think one could get by using this lens without a shutter.

Thx Grant Wilson

-- grant wilson (smovesjp@tkk.att.ne.jp), January 31, 2002


Never used the 360, but I own the TeleXenar 240 and I canīt be more happy with it.

-- Enrique Vila (evilap@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.

I love my 360!!! Use it now more than I thought on my Linhof III. I do have it in an old compound shutter that after I cleaned and lubed it, it's flawless. If you use fast films, I wouldn't scimp on a shutterless one but that is my opinion. I'm usually shooting at f16-f22 so my shutter speeds are faster than I would be able to do without a shutter and have consistency... Just a thought. Cheers

-- Scott Walton (scotlynn@shore.net), January 31, 2002.

Enrique, Scott,

Replies most appreciated!

I would be shooting landscape, with provia F mostly, ideally I would like to have a shutter, then for speeds faster than a couple of seconds life would be easier for sure, Iam happy that results from the 360/5.5 shutter or not are acceptable!


-- grant wilson (smovesjp@tkk.att.ne.jp), January 31, 2002.

I used to own one and just sold it to move to the Nikon t-360. The Tele-Xenar is very nice, not as sharp as the Nikon but still sharp. Mine had a Copal #3 shutter and sold at about $380 which was what I paid for it couple years ago. Look around they usually come by on e-bay.

-- Georges Pelpel (gpelpel@attbi.com), January 31, 2002.

Not as sharp as the Nikon? I'm surprised. I wonder how the Nikon compares to the 400/5.6 HM?

-- george (geod@sbcglobal.net), January 31, 2002.

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