looking for land in western south dakotagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
i'm looking for some cheap land in western south dakota. preferably in custer, meade or lawrence county. would like between 1-5 acres and am willing to pay up to $7500 total. am only looking for "primitive" land, with no, or minimal, covenants. i need to find a place soon.
-- russ brown (rlb1469@enetis.net), January 31, 2002
youre looking to pay way too much , land here is going for around 500 an acre , undeveloped .. but you get better prices with larger parcelsBeth , in north dakota
-- Beth Van Stiphout (willosnake@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.
Those counties encompass the Black Hills area that is prime recreational real estate. You need to be more specific -- are you looking for forested land, prairie land, surface water, etc. -- in other words define your needs and then figure out what kind of land will satisfy them. Most of western North and South Dakota are dry land farming/ranching areas of a marginal nature for intensive agriculture usage.
-- Joe (CactusJoe001@AOL.com), January 31, 2002.
Here ya go: http://www.realtor.com/soblackhills/nbregion.asp?st=sd&poe=re altor
-- matt johnson (wyo_cowboy_us@yahoo.com), January 31, 2002.
Land in the Black Hills area although very beautiful is quite expensive just because it is prime tourist area look either west or south and you still find beautiful land but at much cheaper prices. We have been looking for about 2 years now and since we are in no hurry will just wait until something comes along in the Black Hills that we can afford we have a place to go there and can enjoy the Hills on rented land until the real thing comes along. Sally
-- (mallardhen67@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.
I saw an eBay listing recently for land near Sturgis, the site of the annual motorcycle rendevous. If I remember correctly it was 40 acres for a total price of $13,500.
-- John Fritz (JohnFritz24@hotmail.com), February 07, 2002.
To be real honest you will be VERY VERY LUCKY to find land in Custer for under $5,000 and acre.. We just bought 6 acres that is two miles from town for $5,000 and acre and had to buy it before it listed, Now we have offers coming in to buy it for twice that amount and this is just bare land! It may be very hard to find something without covenants also, Are place does not have any but the realtor said this is the first place he has seen in years sell without them... Custer Land is unbelievably high! We also have a place in Hot Springs, Land here is running from $1000 to $5,000 an acre. Maybe you should try West of Custer land out that way starts getting cheaper, I will keep my eyes open and let you know Sara
-- Sara Puskarich (Jetgetset@yahoo.com), February 23, 2002.