wood-fired water heatergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone use the wood-fired hot water heater, and if so, how do you like it? Are the savings worth the effort to start the fire each time you want hot water? And can you put it outside the cabin, or will the weather prevent it from working properly? Thanks!
-- Diane Moore (dmoore80@hotmail.com), January 30, 2002
Many of the outdoor wood burners have built in water heaters. I have heard nothing but good remarks from a friend who owns one, but would not consider it here, unless it was tied into the indoor wood stove because of cost and continued dependency on electricity (blowers and pumps to move the heat and hot water).
-- Kevin in NC (Vantravlrs@aol.com), January 31, 2002.
My wood stove (inside the house) is connected to a 100 liter water tank and also runs 10 radiators. The water heats up very quickly. I like it. In the summer we have an outdoor solar shower (a really long black plastic tube that heats up the water - almost boiling!!) i also have friends that have furnace type wood stoves (in the basement) and they rave about how great it is.
-- kelly (kellytree@hotmail.com), January 31, 2002.