anyone have any lambs quarter & comfrey? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
After hearing all the benefits of comfrey I would like to have some for the home and (one day) the chickens that will soon be here. I would also like to get some lambs quarters(sp). Was told this weed is high in calcium and used like spinach in salads and cooking. We are just starting out and appreciate all the help from our country neighbors! Thanks, Carol, NC
-- carol barbour (, January 30, 2002
i will be glad to send you some comfrey root to start you off in the spring if you contact me off the board here....isn't lambs quarters that wild amaranth stuff that grows everywhere and is rather obnoxious? if it is wht i think it is we have it everywhere here and it drives us nuts....wouldn't wish it on you. do be careful so it doesn't take over. if it is what we have it has been EVERYWHERE i have ever lived, so i can't imagine you NOT having it...but i could send you seed if i explore further and find that this is what it is...
-- marcee (, January 30, 2002.
Lambs Quarter as in the weed? Really? I have eaten it but I certainly never thought about planting it on purpose...enough of it grows in my garden already! I would guess that is you ask around you may find that it is already growing in your area.
-- Trisha-MN (, January 30, 2002.
I love Lambs quarter,,, before I moved,,it grew like weeds (LOL),, but here,, cant get it to grow at all,,IM still wondering what comfrey looks like though
-- Stan (, January 31, 2002.
Lambs Quarter and alot of common weeds have a higher nutritional value than most common grasses grown for feed.This from the Agricultural Yearbook from the 1940's.
-- Gary (, January 31, 2002.
If you are really serious about planting lambs not put it in your garden or flower not let it go to seed.As to the comfrey...put it where you don't mind having it forever. If once you dig it up and move it you will have two spreading bunches of the stuff as it is impossible to get ALL the root. All it takes is one little 1/2" piece left in the ground to grow.
My experience has been that if you plant one clump of the the comfrey and leave it alone it won't be much trouble. The clump will get larger in diameter but doesn't tend to move out of its territory like wisteria or something.
As to the chickens...mine don't touch the comfrey leaves we throw over the fence to them. And lambs quarter grows in their field already but I don't ever see them eating it after it gets past the early, tender stage. What I DO see them eat anytime they get the chance is clover and tender grass.
Since you are just starting out, I would suggest that you get an asparagus bed as soon as you can. Spring is the time to do that. Also go ahead and put in a strawberry bed and some rhubarb (if you like it). The asparagus and strawberry beds take time to get established.
-- Lavender Blue Dilly (, January 31, 2002.
I have some lambs quarters. What is funny, when I decided I'd like to start foraging, I requested the seeds through a seed exchange I belong to. After getting the seeds, I realized it was growing all over my back lot, already. I plant it right in my garden. It's amazing how wonderfully big the leaves get when they get good fertile soil and good attention.
-- Wendy A (, January 31, 2002.
Lamb's quarter loves tilled soil. It grows all over the place around here and the birds spread the seeds. My kids and I love it when it is steamed. Really yummy! We think that it is better than spinach! I pull it up out of the garden gets really big roots if you don't get it quick.
-- Nan (, January 31, 2002.
Stan, here's a link to a picture of comfrey. The plants I have have a more blue/lavender colored flower. Their leaves are large (like up to a foot or more) and are scratchy.
-- Bren (, January 31, 2002.
Thanks Bren! I have always wondered what it looked like too!
-- Nan (, January 31, 2002.
thanks for all your help and the link! i'm sure it's right under my feet.
-- carol (, January 31, 2002.
Isn't comfrey supposed to be good for lactating animals as well?
-- Bernie from Northern Ontario (, January 31, 2002.
I think I've figured out how to post pictures. Let's see if this works...
-- Bren (, January 31, 2002.
See Countryside mag. page 59 March/April 2002
-- Bruce Burdge (, February 28, 2002.