GS&F SHops in : LUSENET : Georgia Southern & Florida RR Historical Society : One Thread |
Does anyone know when the GS&F RWY ceased using their shops in Macon that was located near the Cherokee Brick Company and the Central of GA yards? Was the facilities ever used by the Southern to store their own equipment? After an investigation of the area, I picked up old spikes and large amounts of cinders suggesting that the area was shut down years ago before it was torn down in 1951.
-- Mark S. Mosely (, January 28, 2002
Mark, the Southern modernized and expanded Pegram Shop in Atlanta in 1948. My guess - and this is only a guess - is that they consolidated maintenance functions at this location at that time.If anyone knows for certain, I, too would like to know.
Bob Hanson
-- Robert H. Hanson (, January 29, 2002.