Ranch house & land for rent in Nebraskagreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a 1200 sq. ft. remodeled house for rent on my Nebraska ranch. It rents for $425-month which includes an 8 acre fenced pasture and large garden area. Some rent may be reduced for work around the place. Prefer non-smoking middle age couple; or mature lady who might be interested in an eventual partnership with ranch owner in maintaining ranch, an established asparagus business, small herd of dexter cattle and other projects.See photos and more details at:
-- bruce (Niobrara55@hotmail.com), January 27, 2002
Perhaps this could be better displayed on the Barter Board?Perhaps a more focused, specific, explanation of what "work around the ranch" would entail?
Perhaps a more detailed explanation of "mature lady who might be...... eventual partnership.....other projects?
Beautifully done home, nice site, lovely pics of ranch, lots of creativity at work here.
-- Michaela (flhomestead@hotmail.com), January 28, 2002.
Michaela,Thanks very much for your imput. All those questions you pose would be answered if someone was interested enough to email me.
I don't think it would fit on the barter board since I need some cash out of it each month to cover mortgage payments. When I think of barter, I think of no cash changing hands.
-- bruce (Niobrara55@hotmail.com), January 28, 2002.