High Altitude adjustments for cookie recipe?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
A friend's mother has moved to 4600 feet and the Toll House cookie recipe came out very flat and like a tortilla chip instead of like a cookie. My first suspicion is that she got the butter too liquid in making the dough, but is there any site that has conversion rates for baking?
-- JE (nospam@please.net), January 27, 2002
I had the opposite problem when I moved to a higher altitude. I made chocolate chip "biscuits" according to my children. They were fluffy and "high" like biscuits with the taste of chocolate chip cookies.It was very odd but I never came across a way to solve the problem. They tasted fine, so we just dealt with it!!
Sorry I wasn't more help.
-- quinn wolfe (wolfiequinn@hotmail.com), January 27, 2002.
Use Google.com search engine and search for "+high+altitude+baking" and you will find several sites explaining how to make changes in recipes for high altitude baking.Marie
-- Marie (prettyhollow@yahoo.com), February 04, 2002.
Try adding more flour to the recipe, e.g. 1/2 cup more than usual. Worked for me :)
-- MileHighBaker (hathaway@hotmail.com), March 21, 2002.