Maple Syrup Info Website : LUSENET : ACountryPlace : One Thread

I shared this on CS but some of you may have missed it. For any of you considering making your own maple syrup, or for those of you who may already do that, the entire USDA maple syrup producers manual is available for downloading all or part, or just scanning for info at: HTTP:// Go to Bulletins. At the bottom choose Go to Bulletins by number. Choose 856 This site is part of the Ohio State University webpage. It's all there. Info for the big producer or the little bitty one-tree guy. We use it all the time. It is being updated now and can be purchased but it is a tad expensive, I think. Hope this helps someone out there. If you're interested in making syrup in Indiana, we have a state organization to help you also. Email me.

-- Rosalie (Dee) in IN (, January 25, 2002

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