Need a good Ezekiel bread OR bean bread : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
I made two loaves (if you could call them that) of Ezekiel bread yesterday and it was a disaster. When they rose in the loaf pans they overflowed and after they were done baking they were sunk in. What is this bread supposed to end up like? Cakelike or breadlike? Does anyone have a good recipe for this, and a good bean bread recipe? Thanks.
-- gita (, January 24, 2002
Not sure what Exekiel bread is and I thought I had invented bean bread. But then again I thought I had invented a chicken tractor until I stumbled onto the Countryside site!! ;~)For bean bread I use soybeans. Because of my age nearing the dreaded Change-of-life season I wish to forestall some of the symptoms associated but I suppose you could use any bean. I put about a cup to cup and a half of beans in the food proccessor. Then using any favorite bread recipe replace some of the liquid and flour with the beans -- to touch. I enjoy the bread using whole wheat, loaf is a bit heavy but I like that. Has substance.
-- Diana (, January 24, 2002.
You might check Cs forum archives. The book Country Beans might have the recipe. Do a search on msn. Sites came up, but I don't have time to look at them now. Hope it works out for ya.
-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, January 26, 2002.
Several years ago I got the following recipe and made and ate it many times. I think it came from 700 Club or someplace similar. You could use it for a fast, eating only the Ezekial bread and drinking only water. This recipe made enough for one person for 4 days. I liked the taste.EZEKIAL BREAD
1 c. lukewarm water
Add 1 tsp. honey and 2 T. yeast. Let set 5 minutes.
Add 1/4 c. oil
1/2 c. honey
1 tsp salt
1 c. water (beans soaked and blended in)
1 1/2 c. wheat flour
1/8 c. millet flour
3/4 c.+1T. rye flour
1/4 c. barley flour
2 T. lentils
1 T each of: red kidney, pinto and Great Northern beans
Add more water if necessary. Pour into Pam sprayed cookie sheet (with sides)--let set 1 hour, then bake 15 minutes at 375.
-- gibson girl in s.e.Illinois (, January 28, 2002.
You will find Ezekiel Bread recipes at in the "Recipe Bin".Look in the Bible in Ezekiel 9 I believe that is the one and you will find the original recipe.
A Jew once said true ezekiel bread is made with grain/bean sprouts, mashed into patties and allowed to dry on rocks in the sun.
-- Marie (, February 03, 2002.
I found this recipe at AAOOB Storable foods. They're a grain/survivalist/do it at home type web site. I hope this helps. P.S. As soon as I order a home mill I want to give this recipe a try. Good luckEzekiel Bread Recipe
5 1/4 Cups EZB-Mix Ground into Flour
2 1/2 cups Hard Red Wheat 1 1/2 cups Spelt (you can use Rye but Biblically, Spelt was used Ezekiel 4:9) 1/2 cup Barley 1/4 cup Millet 1/4 cup Lentils 2 Tbsp Great Northern Beans 2 Tbsp Red Kidney Beans 2 Tbsp Pinto Beans
Mix all grains and beans in a large bowl and mill into a fine flour.
Measure into a large bowl:
4 cups warm water 1 cup honey 1/2 cup oil 2 Tbsp yeast Mix and set aside for 5 minutes until frothy.
Add to the yeast 2 tsp salt and all the flour
Mix with a strong wooden spoon until stretchy and elastic - about 7 minutes.
This is a batter bread that will not form a smooth ball. Pour into 3 greased bread pans in even amounts.
Place pans in oven on lowest heat to rise (170 degrees) . Allow to rise to within 1/2 inch of tops of pans and NO MORE or it will overflow and trash your oven. Mine takes about 15-20 minutes.
Once risen, WITHOUT OPENING THE DOOR, turn the heat up to 350. If you open the door, the cool air will cause the bread to fall. Bake at 350, about 25-30 minutes until nicely browned on top - remember, this is a cake-like bread and will not be like regular yeast breads - you may have to experiment with cooking times. Butter tops once out of the oven. Enjoy!
-- Rick Kattreh (, May 16, 2002.
The recipe I used directed me to 'sprout' the beans and lentils. I did and made the bread according to recipe and directions....mine was just like yours!! And the dough in the middle was still mushy even tho I reduced the water. Later, I read another recipe which says to sprout the beans and lentils and then DRY them out again. Havent tried that. I ground the beans and lentils in a blender dry the next time and the bread was better, but didnt rise much at all. Keep trying! It tastes good anyway and very satisfying.
-- Naomi Hudson (, June 14, 2002.
This is a question more than an answer - i just found out that i should only eat ezekiel or essene bread. I am confused about the ingredients of ezekiel bread however, some recipes call for wheat flour and some don't. What is the answer to this????
-- Susan (, January 04, 2003.