Will Peking ducks lay and set?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Will White Peking ducks lay and set their own eggs?
-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), January 24, 2002
They will lay jumbo eggs, but not as regularly as, say, the Campbells will. I've had them set quite well, but usually I take their eggs and hatch them in my incubator.
-- Marcia (HrMr@webtv.net), January 24, 2002.
We had a Pekin duck in Texas who hatched ten eggs for us. But it was winter, and she didn't do so well with raising them the first time (Partly my fault, because I didn't remove the pond, and they got too chilled). When we moved, we gave her to a friend. She later hatched 14, I think they said, and didn't lose one!
-- mary (marylgarcia@aol.com), January 24, 2002.
I have a Pekin hen that sat last year. It was her first time and she didn't hatch any, but she faithfully sat the nest. I finally had to take it away from her it was getting nasty. I hope she try's again this spring. Had a cayuga that hatched out two families last summer and they are so cute.
-- Susan (dsowen@tds.net), January 24, 2002.
Tracy, post this question on(I sound like a broken record) "THe Poultry Connection, General Waterfowl Forum". Lots of experts with Pekin ducks on there. As a general rule, well bred Pekins like some other heavy breeds are not regarded as good setters. There are exceptiong to everything though and maybe you will get one that is. At best they are usually poor to fair moms. Hope this helps, they are very nice ducks. LQ
-- Little Quacker (carouselxing@juno.com), January 24, 2002.
Where can I find this Poultry Connection Forum that I keep hearing about?
-- Tracy (zebella@mindspring.com), January 24, 2002.
well I have 5 peking ducks. unfortantly 3 males 2 females but the females are still laying an we take them every morning they are not a year old yet so I don't know if they will set. maybe when the weather warms and I leave some eggs in the nest they might start to set. If not I might take a few to hatch on my own. we moved our ducks in the barn so the are protected from danger and it is easier to find the eggs. Good luck hope they hatch a nice batch for ya!!!!
-- Rose (CRG259@aol.com), January 25, 2002.
When do ducks start laying eggs? How old?
-- Sharon Papps (sharonva1@yahoo.com), April 21, 2002.