What kind of material for jumpers?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
A friend is going to sew me some jumpers for daily use around the house. I need to know what type of material to buy for them. I am looking for something that will wear well, and not look faded out after a few times of wearing them. Thanks, I appreciate any help! :) Maggie
-- maggie (ruby@isp360.net), January 23, 2002
I like denim. Doesn't matter if it does fade. Use light weight so it's not so hard to do the seams.
-- Rose (open_rose@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002.
My first choice would be denim but corduroy or a heavy knit would be good,too.
-- DW (djwallace@sotc.net), January 23, 2002.
How about some nice flannel for cooler weather? Otherwise my favorites are denim or a heavy cotton knit, too.
-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), January 23, 2002.
A trigger poplin would be a good buy. It is tough, but not too heavy. I need to make some for myself as well--will just have to get busy on it.
-- Dena (ddew1962@earthlink.net), January 24, 2002.