ATTENTION: PLEASE READ : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

It is very important to avoid making comments about abusive posts. The best thing to do is to email me and explain why you feel the post is offensive. I will take appropriate action. This is the ONLY way you can help me keep this forum clean. Our forum is getting large enough so that I cannot possibly read each and every post; at least not at the moment they are made. So I need your help. To publically criticize someone here will only ensure that one or both of the following will happen: 1) a flame war will erupt; 2) you will grant immense satisfaction on the part of the offender.

PLEASE let's keep this forum on track and friendly. There is simply no need to flame each other.

Thanks for your cooperation and support and constructive participation in this forum.

-- Tony

-- Tony Rowlett (, January 23, 2002


I strongly support Tony's wise advice. It is usually best to ignore such messages and comments; and certainly always best to ask Tony to deal with them if necessary.

-- James Harper (, January 23, 2002.

Thanks, Tony.

Well thought of, clearly explained for and easy to do.

I compromise to do what you suggest. In fact I've been doing so already.



-- Iván Barrientos M (, January 23, 2002.

Many thanks to Tony for his undying efforts to keep this a good place in cyberspace.

-- Tse-Sung Wu (, January 23, 2002.

Well done Tony!! You are the FBI of cyberspace. Maybe you should also post a 10 most offensive list as well! Your work has made this forum a true pleasure. (8>))--Albert Knapp MD

-- Albert Knapp MD (, January 23, 2002.

Thanks Tony! This forum is a real jewel among photography forums and maintaining dignity will help to keep it one. Thanks again for all your efforts!

-- Ken Prager (, January 24, 2002.

Hear, hear, let's all support Tony's efforts to keep this site clean and don't forget:

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but flames will never hurt me!" :-)

-- Ray Moth (, January 24, 2002.

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