A Forum Thank You and Update and Suggestions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

Just quick post to thank you for visiting and contributing to the forum. We are off to a great start! In only 5 short days we have a huge amount of info and helps and I can't wait to see where we go from here!

Any time you have any forum suggestions, please be sure and let me know. I am always open to suggestions! This is not "my" forum..it belongs to all of us who love cooking and crafting.

As new catagories of crafts come in I will be adding more catagories to list them under. I will probably add cooking catagories such as Deserts, Main Dishes, Breads, etc. What do you think? Would you prefer those catagories or leave it all as cooking? I personally think it would help if someone where looking for a particular bread recipe it would be easier to find what they wanted.

Right now all posts are archived after 2 weeks into those catagories and will appear at the bottom of the new posts. I may decide to increase or decrease that time frame depending on how large the forum becomes.

Please be sure and if you post at other sites to let your online friends know about this forum. Also, if you have an internet site or web page, please feel free to add a link to this forum. The more contributors, the more information to exchange!

Thank you again for your enthusiasm and contributions! Keep 'em coming!

-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002


Karen, I am just loving the new forum, and I think the food categories would be great. As I was reading this post I was telling my sis about this forum. Thanks Kim :-D

-- Kim in Indiana (kwcountrygirl@aol.com), January 23, 2002.

Karen; just wanted you to know I'm enjoying this new site, also. Could we start a thread about decorating on a budget, or would that be too far off the track of what you wanted to focus on? I have a little itty bitty decorating budget, and an old house that needs lots of sprucing and TLC. Thanks...Stef.

-- Stef (sbrogers@csonline.net), January 24, 2002.

A catagory for Decorating on a Budget would be great. Hey, decorating is just crafting for the home...right?? And, well...we have homes...and a budget! Great suggestion and I look forward to the threads on that one!

-- Karen (mountains_mama@hotmail.com), January 25, 2002.

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