want chicken & dumplings recipe

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

I would like a recipe for chicken & dumplings - with the noodle-like kind of dumplings, please. Do any of you make that kind? We used to have them at a church potluck and I never got the recipe. It was so good!

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), January 22, 2002


Noodle dumplings are easy to make... mix all purpose flour,( about 3- 4 cups), some salt ( 1 tsp ) and 3-4 eggs depending on size....mix well ... YOUR HAND MAKES THE BEST MIXER FOR THIS...roll them out on a floured surface...and cut to desired size....let rest about 15 mins...Drop into boiling broth...and simmer about 8 mins .... voila

-- Kristean Thompson (pigalena_babe@yahoo.com), January 22, 2002.

My mom makes them with flour, salt, pepper, and water. Rolls them out like thick noodles. No eggs.

-- Rose on the Texas Coastal Bend (open_rose@hotmail.com), January 23, 2002.

Thanks for help with the noodle part! Does anyone have the whole recipe?

-- Jean (schiszik@tbcnet.com), January 24, 2002.

I make them the way Kristean does, but sometimes I use semolina flour. I heard some old woment talking once about them and they said they used milk. I didn't get to ask them the whole recipe. Oh, if your dough is a little dry, add some broth.

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (atilrthehony@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002.

Jean, we have always made the roll out chicken and dumplings for our church suppers. You want to start with a rich chicken broth by boiling chicken or chicken parts ,removing the cooked chicken and reducing and enriching the broth by cooking it down some more. I also add a couple of tablespoons of chicken base such as Tone's. To make the dumplings, start with about a cup of rich chicken broth, wish in two eggs, sift in flour in small amounts until a medium soft dough forms, I would say around 2 cups. Knead a few times, adding more flour as necessary to make a rollable dough. The secret to a good dumpling is rolling on a floured board thin, thinner, thinnest. Cut into strips and drop into boiling broth. Stir lightly after each addition of dumplings. Don't crowd the pot with dumplings or they will stick and clump together. Do not overstir or they will fall apart. Cover and cook for about 20 minutes at a simmer, stirring occasionally to keep the bottom from sticking and burning. Just don't overdo the stirring. The flour clinging to the dumplings as you add them to the broth will help thicken it. After about 15 minutes of cooking, the boned chicken can be added to the pot and the cover put back on until the chicken is hot and another 5 minutes or so has passed. I know this has been long-winded and may sound complicated, but it's not really. There is an art to making rolled dumplings though. The last time we served them at a church supper, we cooked the dumplings in 14 large pressure cookers(without using pressure) and at the end of the night I don't think there were hardly enough left for the workers to eat! If you have any questions about something I didn't make clear enough, just e-mail me. chicken and dumplings are my favorite food as you can probably tell. Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea in s.e. MO (monalea@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002.

YEEKS! Upon re-reading my answer I discover that I left out the teaspoon of salt that you need to add to the dumpling dough! Sorry! Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea (monalea@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002.

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