Property in Rogersville TN (Report) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Well we went up to see the property in Rogersville,quite a trip!!!It took longer than I thought to get there and we left quite early so we were a little tired.The area is very nice and the land we went to look at is pretty much as described EXCEPT the house was very poor.It really needed tearing down.Nice bottom land at the front on the road,big barn(didn't really look at it),outbuildings seemed in good shape just full of junk.Came with a tractor and a mid 80's cadillac!!!don't know if they are in working order.The rest of the land was hilly to steep but we walked up the driveway that had been dozed in.There was a view of the Clinch River from the homesite at the top.We don't think it is worth anywhere near the asking price and don't know if we will put in an offer.It is listed for $60,000 but we wouldn't pay more than $35-40,000.I guess we will keep looking for that elusive homestead.
-- Jon Hanson (, January 21, 2002
Well, it could mean that there's something better waiting for you. We were disappointed so many times while looking for property because this piece or that piece didn't work out. In the end, the piece we bought was better than any of them and we thanked God they hadn't worked out.The land we finally bought was listed at $169,000, way too much. We gave up on it but ended up buying it months later at $95,000. If that place you just looked at really is overpriced, the same thing could happen. Good Luck and hang in there!
-- Georg in TN (, January 21, 2002.