Gardeners' hand salve : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread

I am searching for recipes for a healing hand salve for gardeners (or anyone else who has dry skin). Somewhere I had seen a recipe for a salve to put on before you put on gloves, and it supposedly helped the grime to wash right off when finished with your work. Does anyone know of a recipe like this? Thanks.

-- Kris (, January 21, 2002


I don't have a recipe, but we use bag balm (used for cow's udders) and it is very soothing and has an antiseptic quality to it as well. It comes in a green can and you can find it many places. Some will sell it with pet supplies while others put it in the health and beauty aids section. Best wishes!

-- Dena (, January 22, 2002.

You might try

-- Cindy (SE. IN) (, January 24, 2002.

Kris, I make a healing, soothing salve in the summer and fall when I have herbs available from my herb garden. You could also use dried. This is a combination I have found effective: Calendula blossoms, lemon balm, lime balm, rosemary, lavender, fruity sage, chamomile, and st. john's wort, these herbs and flowers should be put in a glass jar and covered with almond oil. Cover the jar and let the herbs steep in the oil for about 2 weeks. I put in more calendula than anything else. Strain the mixture through a fine meshed strainer and add to a base of petroleum jelly, a couple of tablespoons of aloe vera, a tablespoon of glycerine, and squeeze in six or seven vitamin e capsuls. Put the base ingredients in a bowl or jar and set it in a pan or sink of hot water until the ingredients are softened somewhat and can be mixed together well. add the strained herbal oil to the base and mix well. Depending on how much herbal oil I have, I use either one or two large jars of the cheapest petroleum jelly I can find, usually at Wal-Mart. You can put the salve back in the petroleum jelly jars or in smaller jars if you want to give some of it away. Use sparingly, a little goes a long way. Sometimes I will add a few drops of lemon essential oil for it's antiseptic quality and scent. You could use other herbs that you have available as long as they are not harmful to the skin. I experimented until I found a mixture I like. Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea in S.E. Missouri (, January 24, 2002.

I really like the herbal salve directions that you have given and I will try it. But, I have a question...where does everyone buy the essential oils. I have been told - health food stores but I still haven't found any. Any suggestions?

-- Chris in PA (, January 25, 2002.

my answer to dry skin is using goat milk soap.i've been using it about 6 months and i love it. i no longer have to use any hand cremes or lotions.debbie mcchesney makes it, her email address is she also makes healing salve and a hand creme. i'm sure you can order it from her.

-- kathy winston (, July 10, 2002.

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