R.E. (Real Estate for Sale) in (East) TN.greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have a 30acre farm in East Tennessee,Hancock County.The 5yrs. old house is 24x44 and has a full basement, with a 12x44 covered porch.It also has an apple orchard,large garden and two outbuildings.I am asking $79,000 but this is negotiable.If you want pictures or just get in contact with me please feel free to e-mail.Don
-- Don Schwartz (donschwartz2002@yahoo.com), January 21, 2002
Don:Please take the time to provide more details on this property. Why are you selling? What type construction is the house? How old? How well insulated? How heated? Number and types of rooms. Is the basement walk-in or stairs? Partially or entirely finished? What purposes and size are the outbuildings? Electricity and/or water to them? What and how far is nearest large city? Describe land (e.g., level, rolling hills, mountain side, etc.). Any fenced pasture? What are your property taxes? What are the incidences of crime in the area? What are the school systems like and how far away are they? Are there any zoning laws? What are job/income opportunities? What is the county's unemployment rate? What is the average temperature and percipitation (rain & snow combined)? Are you on a well? If so, how deep and what flow does it have? Septic system? Basically anything a potential buyer might like to know.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), January 21, 2002.