parties and pictures : LUSENET : North Carolina Raves : One Thread

whats up peeps, im a rave photographer from Va Beach VA, im looking for parties that i can shoot. last night in Atlantic Beach NC i shot Dieselboy, look for those pictures soon at or at if you like what you see, then please email me and i can get you a sample of more djs ive shot in the surrounding areas. thanks

-- Anonymous, January 20, 2002


hey, i was part of the promoting group at the diesel boy party. i remember talking to you on stage. is there any way possible you could e-mail me these pictures? i was unable to get to the sights you listed for some reason. thanks. P*LU*R jeanne

-- Anonymous, May 14, 2002

if you wanna check out some sites with some listings in the NC SC and GA area heres a few .. and they have some links and stuff but theres some pretty good ones coming up in ATL

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2002

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