sweater craftsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Cooking & Crafts : One Thread |
you may have read on country families that I had a wool sweater that shrunk I made a hat and mittens out of it the hat is much like the ones youe see made with polar fleece very happy with the results. ronda
-- ronda (thejohnsons@localaccess.com), January 20, 2002
I purchased wool sweaters at the thrift store and used the sleeves to make little coats for the baby goats. I've also used the body of the wool sweaters to make coats for the adults. One really big goat has 2 sweaters sewn together. Very fashionable.
-- Charleen in WNY (harperhill@eznet.net), January 21, 2002.
ronda-thats cool! Your post got me thinking-I have a couple of sweaters that I'd like to make something else out of.
-- Kelly(KY) (homearts2002@yahoo.com), January 22, 2002.
Ronda, Do you use pretty embroidery floss or decorative stitches to embellish these things? How did you come up with your sizing for the hat? Did you measure head circumference and then fabric? Do you ned to allow for give or it the fabric still stretchy enough?
-- Susan northern MN (nanaboo@paulbunyan.net), January 22, 2002.
I owned a fabric store for many years in the 80's there arent many things I haven't attempted to make (not always successful). I usually just think through the process or steps and then do it. For the hat I held the piece up to my head and judged how snug it would need to be for the mittens I placed my hand on the sweater wrong side and traced with a black sharpie pen, put the little finger edge on a fold. Not very scientific but it works for me. When my daughter was small I made her a pair of white gloves out of tee shirt fabric using her hand print. put a gussett from just below the top of the thumb to the top of the little finger added a taffata bow on them to match a christmas dress. I just look at something and figure it out. Sorry these are the best I can do with instructions. I was thinking tonight that you could make really cute slippers out of old sweaters. good luck with your projects. Ronda
-- ronda (thejohnsons@localaccess.com), January 23, 2002.