Your favorite June bearing Strawberries? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am wanting to order June bearing strawberries this year and would like to know your favorite variety and where you order them? In the past I have gotten them just from the Garden shop at Lowes etc. but would like to get a variety that is recommended by others. We are in zone 5 if that matters. Thank you!
-- (, January 19, 2002
Hello I live in Northern Ontario so I don't know if the standard Strawberry varieties here are common wherever you are. One of the favorites here is Kent, but I personally prefer VeeStar. It's a tiny bit later than Kent, but I find it sweeter and juicier. I purchased my plants from Simple Pleasures. USA toll free 1-888-886-4921.
-- bernie (, January 19, 2002.
The variety I like is 'Fletcher'. It's been awhile since I ordered any, but most strawberry nurseries probably have it. It's an older variety known for exceptional taste--not a shipping berry.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, January 20, 2002.
My favorites are "Sparkles". I've gotten a few Strawberries that were close to being half the size of my fist. No kidding! Harmony
-- Harmony (, January 20, 2002.
Jewell. Excellent berry for home use and for selling commercially. I have been dealing with Daisy Farms for many years and recommend them wholeheartedly.Daisy Farms 28355 M-152 Dowagiac, MI 49047
(616) 782-6321
-- Polly (, January 20, 2002.
Well--- Earliglow, Honoeye, Jewel,and Cardinal are good in zone 5.
-- Wayne B. IN (, March 05, 2002.