Goat meat recipes?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Would like to get as many goat recipes as I can find,due to health problems. And if anyone can give me a recipe for hard sausage using goat I would be for ever thankful!

-- Tim Allen (www.goathillfarm50@aol.com), January 19, 2002


I like to put a Goat Roast into one of them plastic baking bags with a thin Tomatoe sauce, Greek seasonings, onion and lots of Garlic!

Try searching at Google.com for Chevron Recipes, many lamb recipes adapt well to Goat.

Sorry I don't know much about Sausage.

-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (deadgoatman@webtv.net), January 19, 2002.

Tim, There are several good recipes in the old posts at the bottom of the page. Also, you might try www.recipesource.com They have several good ones to choose from. Hope this helps!

-- cowgirlone in OK (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), January 19, 2002.

The book "Goats Produce Too" by Mary Jane Toth has a bunch of goat meat recipes as well as for cheese, yogurt,and more. It's a nice little book and isn't terribly expensive. I got it through Hoeggers, but I'm sure it's available through other goat supply places.

-- sheryl in me (radams@sacoriver.net), January 19, 2002.

Did you go to http://www.boargoats.com ? They have recipes listed there!

-- Katie in northern WI (4gnaturegirl@chibardun.net), January 20, 2002.

easy recipe , , take goat leg,(i debone some of mine just for this)

and put in large crock pot , add some tatters ,and carrots , 2 bay leaves 4 cloves garlic, spig of thyme , a pinch of basil , and enough water to cover , then turn on low , tommorow (if you start at night) , or tonight , if you start at morning milking), you will have wonderful roast , tender and juicy , my DH , who didnt like goat meat (cause he said he could"see" the goat every time he ate it , will gobble this up , just FYI, never name a goat thats gonna be supper LOL, my son did , and daddy, who wanted nothing to do with goats ....... :) , well you get the idea, incidentally , son who named it , and played with it , has no problems eating it ,

asked him why , and he says , i told thor(the goat), several times if he didnt wanna get eaten he just had to tell me , he never did , and he said it was ok..... gods that kids imagination... or is it ?

-- Beth Van Stiphout (willosnake@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002.

Ask to be put on this mans email list. He has more recipes than I know! Garry Vroegh tropicalsheep2001@yahoo.com

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), January 24, 2002.

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