How to relieve pain & inflamation from limping doe's leg : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a 9 mon. old doe that is limping. I think she may have gotten her foot caught in something, or maybe accidentaly stepped on by our horse. It isn't obviously swollen anywhere, but her injured leg is much warmer than the others, and it seems most painful around her ankle joint. I have checked her leg & hoof over very carefully and there are no signs of broken bones or puncture wounds. Anyone have any suggestions about relieving the pain or how to help her get better? The limping started last night around 9pm; she isn't worse or better tonight.


-- Sharon in AL (, January 18, 2002


Don't know if this is the same thing you are experiencing but a few years back one of our does was limping also. Looked over the leg, foot and hoof. No real problelm I could see. Finally loaded her into the back seat of the car and took her down to the farm vet. What they found was an abcess in her hoof. After they dug into it they opened it up and the infection came out. I never would have thought to "dig" into the hoof or would I want too. Soaked it a couple times a day and kept it wrapped and tried to keep it as clean as possible. She did fine after a few days and an antibiotic treatment too. I'd get her checked out. Good Luck !!

-- Helena (, January 18, 2002.

Another place to look is between the toes. A lame doe down the road was found to have a roofing nail inbedded between her toes, you could just barely see it. Cold water is great for taking down swelling and releiveing pain, just run it over the leg. Peroxide will show you quickly if you have a wound you missed. She will hold her leg up untill the problem goes away so splinting or pain releivers aren't really necessary. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, January 18, 2002.

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