I am still here. Gail in missouri (misc and over the fence chattinggreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am back. I have been offline for over a year but in reading some of the postings I see many familar people. I am still kicking but healh is still a major limiting factor in my life but am still able to do alot. I must admit that JD has me worried as in the last issue he wrote that a tabloid is now rally concerned as he is now saying things will work out ok but he has been wrong for so long in his predictions. I hope that my e-mail is right I can't say as I haven't got any yet but after getting back online the first place I came to is home. Will look forward to hearing from my friends both here and if you have questions or what ever just e-mail me.
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef@getgoin.net), January 18, 2002
Hi Gail, I am worried about JD too. But I think he is just making fun of himself with his usual wonderful sense of humor.
-- Susan in Northern Michigan (cobwoman@yahoo.com), January 18, 2002.
Wonderful to have you back. The forum has changed some, kinda like rfd up to paved farm to market. Look forward to your postings again.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), January 18, 2002.
Hey there Gail, good to have ya back. We missed you! I've thought about you often and am so glad to see you posting again. Again, welcome back (you've got alot of readin to do!) :)
-- Annie (mistletoe6@earthlink.net), January 18, 2002.
Jay, LOVED your comment...true...well put!!!!!!! LOL
-- DW (djwalace@sotc.net), January 18, 2002.
Welcome back, Gail! I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering if you were back and I just missed the post or something. Yes, the forum has evolved, sometimes for the good, sometimes not, but you can still pick and choose what you want to read and what you want to respond too. Hope the health improves! Think Spring (I know, it's early, but I'm anxious!) Jan
-- Jan in Co (Janice12@aol.com), January 18, 2002.
Hi Gail glad your back boy i bet you had withdraul when you left the forum. but eny way welcome back. what about Cathy do you still hear from her? its quite a while since shes posted. Bob se,ks.
-- Bobco (bobco@kans.com), January 18, 2002.
I hope that I am not intruding here but, When I see post such as does anyone know whatever happened to so and so or a post such as Gails and people respond then that tells me there is something special about that person and I feel like I've missed out on something good.Gail, I am new here and have learned alot and have found that there are some great people here and I see a lot of post here on your thread from folks that have welcomed me and treated me with respect and if they remeber you after a year and welcome you back then you must be very special so I would like to welcome you back also and hope that in the threads our paths cross and we get to know each other too. George
-- george nh (rcoopwalpole@aol.com), January 18, 2002.
Hi Gail, I'm in Missouri as well, welcome back!
-- CJ (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), January 18, 2002.
Welcome Back!!!!
-- Mark in N.C. Fla. (deadgoatman@webtv.net), January 18, 2002.
Hello Gail,Glad you made it here in the Ozarks safe and sound!
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), January 18, 2002.
Another Missourian welcoming you back......Doc
-- Doc (thisisdoc@aol.com), January 19, 2002.
Hey Gail! Good to see you back!
-- Polly (tigger@moultrie.com), January 19, 2002.
Gail, I'm new here also, and can only respond when the laptop drops by. But wanted to wish you well for I also have health cocerns that stopped me from working altogether about 6-months ago. Wish you and all others good health, and good luck in all your attemps to succeed in life. I hope to be in the country before much longer,but will have to see what happens next. Bless all of you, Tim.
-- Tim Allen (www.goathillfarm50@aol.com), January 19, 2002.
Glad to see you back, Gail! :-)
-- Joy F {So.Central Wisconsin} (CatFlunky@excite.com), January 19, 2002.
Seems like old times!! Good to have you back!
-- sheepish (WA) (the_original_sheepish@hotmail.com), January 19, 2002.
Hey wow, a WHOLE year?? Hope you health is doing better.......what a year huh?? I am with JD myself, been wrong with him all these years so taking a more "it will all work out" sort of slant. Wish a bunch of the others that have left for other reasons would come back!!! Glad to "see" yah.
-- diane (gardiacaprines@yahoo.com), January 19, 2002.
YIPPEE!!!! Gail, I just got back online yesterday!! As soon as I figure out how to set up a e-mail account, I'll write to you. Gosh, I miss you! This just made my day!!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), January 20, 2002.
Welcome back Gail. And Cathy too! Welcome back Mz Horn. Hail hail the gangs all here. Except Gerbil. Whatever happened to everybody's favourite rodent? Anyone know?
-- Don Armstrong (from Australia) (darmst@yahoo.com.au), January 20, 2002.
Glad to see you back Gail! Hope everything works out.
-- Michael W. Smith in North-West Pennsylvania (kirklbb@penn.com), January 20, 2002.