Chenille bedspreads (made in USA)? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
May Grandmother died three years ago at the age of 102. One of the items that I inherited from her was a beautiful hand stitched quilt of the Double Wedding Ring pattern. She always kept it in a box with tissue paper. I would like to display her work in our extra bedroom. I was thinking of buying a white chenille bedspread because they look so old fashioned and homey and we have a bed with an antique iron headboard. I was planning on folding it across the bottom of the bed. I understand that there was a company, maybe on the East coast that manufactured these. I was wanting something that was very well made, not from China. If you know of any company I would appreciate it. Thank you.
-- (, January 17, 2002
Vermont Country
-- Rose (, January 17, 2002.
Don't know if this will have what you want,it's a list of us made things.
-- Jo (, January 18, 2002.
I think you may be referring to Country Curtains. They are in MA, PA, etc. and have a beautiful free, color catalog. They sell high quality chenille bedspreads. Good luck, Sam
-- Sam McFarland (, January 19, 2002.
I see them in the antique shops all the time and most are in very good condition.
-- george nh (, January 19, 2002.