How much sun for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am considering planting blackberries and blueberries this year. How much sun do they need to grow well? Are there any other special needs to consider. I live in northwest Missouri, are there any varieties which would produce better than other in this area.
-- Shelly White (, January 17, 2002
Glad I came to the site tonight...lifts my day to share my gardening experience.....Here is the scoup...we live in the same zone..( zone 5) and my youngest LOVESSSSSSSSSS blueberries...I grow one variety called PATRIOT...its a huge producer....i get about 15 pounds per bush..( bushes 8 years old). you can get them from Gurneys seed and nursery...( )...they run$6.95 each in this years (2002) catalog...PS... Dont forget to get some aluminum acidifiys the soil...blueberries need acid...also can mulch each year with coniferous clippings or chips. Send me a slice of the first pie...
-- Kristean Thompson (, January 17, 2002.
Ohh ...i forgot to mention...plant two different varieties for maximum fruit and they need full sun....PLUS...they are good landscape additions...most are about 4 to 6 feet can get some as short as 2 feet...and some that will fit in a patio planter...Happy Planting
-- Kristean Thompson (, January 17, 2002.
Kristean is right; you need two varieties for cross pollination. We live in east Georgia and have 190 blueberry bushes. To know what degree of acidity you have in your soil, buy an acid-alkaline soil tester. (About 15.00) Aluminum sulfate is very good for making the soil more acid. Full sunshine is preferred. Mulch is a must. And don't let them dry out.
-- Buddy (, January 17, 2002.