bulk seasonings? to make spagettie, salsa?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Is anyone interested in bigger quanities of bulk seasonings. i work for a company that sells seasonings to schools. where you mix one can of salsa seasoning or spagettie seasoning and it makes 5 gallons instead of 5 pints. they have spagetti, hot sauce, ketchup, chilli, sloppy joe, salsa. i cook tomatoes down in a 18 quart roaster and a can of seasoning and make big amount fast.
-- randy wybrant (rwybrant@coin.org), January 15, 2002
Is there sugar in the mixes?
-- Sue (sulandherb@aol.com), January 15, 2002.
Why don't you post this again in august, during the tomato glut? I honestly don't know if I'll be canning tomatos next year or buying them: It depends on the weather and the diseases. Some years, this would be a very welcome thing!
-- Terri (hooperterri@prodigy.net), January 16, 2002.
Ok do you all remember what school food tasted like ? Sorry couldn't resist. Thanks for the offer.How is the sloppy joe mix ?
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@hotmail.com), January 16, 2002.
That sounds terrible and from my school experience probably tastes just as bad!
-- Chandler in Minnesota (Providencefarms2001@yahoo.com), January 16, 2002.
I would be very interested. you can email me at my email address. Can you use these seasonings for canning? I use Mrs. Wages seasonings for canning sometimes. Are yours anything like that? Thanks :)
-- Carolyn (sweetbabydill@aol.com), January 17, 2002.