Land for sale or lease in southern : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am interested in purchasing wooded land in southern ohio. Primarily for hunting right now, and eventually to build on down the road. I would also be interested in leasing some land for hunting if anyone would be interested in that.
-- Jim Dusseau (, January 15, 2002
Contact ; they always have several type properties that fit your needs, also, but their prices are a bit higher.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 15, 2002.
Hi Jim...There is always land for sale here in SE Ohio. I've seen some go for $350.00 an acre to $1,000.00 an acre. Get a copy of the Sunday, Sentinel from Pomeroy to take a look. Since the mines have closed here recently, alot of miners are moving away, so it is a buyers market now. Good luck.....
-- Harmony (, January 15, 2002.
thanks for the info.
-- Jim (, January 16, 2002.