Thanks to this Forum I've found my first land ... here's the : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I've been a long time lurker and thanks to leads from this group (although several links deep in searching), I found the most fantastic land purchases. I'm purchasing two properties (114 acres and 159 acres) for $7,900 U.S. and $22,500 U.S., respectively. Found these properties at to close on both in March. I confirmed the second property this morning and feel "safe" now to post the website. Sorry, but I did! find it. There are a few left.
Not everyone here is looking for what I am, but I recently read a thread reflecting the frustration of finding the right property. I've been looking myself for months, and still have to purchase one more to actually live on (family will be living on the Canada ones). I should be able to do that in the next month or so.
Part of my success in doing the land searches has been from reading this and all the other threads on this forum...
I've learned and relearned a lot from everyone, and will continue to lurk.
Thanks again.
-- m.benjamin in TX, soon to be OK (, January 15, 2002
Hello M.Benjamin in Tx Talk about moving to the extreme-from Texas at on the southern edge of North America to Englehart? Now that's north! I live about half way between the US/Canada border and Englehart, about four hours north of Toronto. Are you planning to garden up there? I'd be more than happy to recommend seed varieties, etc. Have you seen the property? (Not pictures, have you actually gone there?)There is a LOT of property in rural northern Ontario for sale. Very close to home lots of abandoned farms are being purchased by Amish from Southern Ontario and Northern US. But I'm never moving again!
-- Bernadette Kerr (, January 15, 2002.
-- Kristean Thompson (, January 15, 2002.
Actually I'm not moving up there, although I would if my body could handle it right now. My daughter & I are going to OK so I can have a little more space while she grows up a little more, and I want alternative lifestyle, so everything I look at has to be as basic as possible and Unrestricted! (I won't describe the house I'll build until it's done.)And, actually, I grew up in Minnesota. I knooooowww! the weather and climate. Which is also why I bought both properties. Trees and water!!! I'd like to move the springs and well to Texas, where there is likely to be no water left in 20 years. What a loss.
I felt guilty for not posting the site sooner as I thought others might be interested. I actually have the link for Canada's mls, which I'll post when I find it. If anyone is interested, eBay has two 40-acre parcels up for sale in Manitoba ... I was considering them before I confirmed the 159 acres in Ontario.
Good luck to all, and thanks for talking so much. I love listening.
-- mbenjamin (, January 15, 2002.
m.Benjamin, I am in Teexas too and sure loved trhe web site you posted. Could you tell us some more about your plans? Will you homeschool, are there roads and electricity to your properties, or will you build off the grid?How did you decide to go to Ontario? Will you garden? Cindy in West Texas
-- Cindy Mccloy (, January 21, 2002.
What beautiful property you picked out. I would love to trade places with you as I only have 32 acres and it is sooooo hot here in GA! But the family won't I'm stuck. One thing I would really suggest for all those folks looking for land is to decide TOGETHER where you want to live. Cause once you're there, sometimes you get me, in Georgia, one of the few places in the world I would voluntarily live. But my mom is here and she's getting up in years and I am the only child so have to help her out and the boychild is now in middle school and doesn't want to leave his friends. So get a piece a property that everyone loves - it'll be easier in the long run.Best always
-- Cindy (, January 21, 2002.