post office and chicks this : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Has anyone been able to figure out whether small farmers are going to be able to get poultry by mail this year with the new Post Office rules? The way I understand it, they're only going to deliver day old poultry in and out of 28 airports nationwide, the nearest of them to us four hours away.
-- Joe (, January 14, 2002
hi Joe where are you getting your info on this? I just looked at four major hatchery websites and they all indicated the spring 2002 shipments should be happening more or less as usual and that great minds are working on more longterm solutions. something new brewing?
-- B. Lackie (, January 14, 2002.
I'd like to know the answer too! I get my chicks from Murry McMurry and I am worried that I won't be able to this year. I did get the new catalog and was thinkinh of calling to see what the news is. Reading the catalog it doesn't say anything different.
-- Susan northern MN (, January 14, 2002.
We are members of the Maine State Beekeepers and they have been getting information from the people who ship bee nucs that they won't beable to do this because of the changes in the postoffice rules and regulations. We contacted our congress people and they investigated and got the information about the 28 airports nationwide that would be accepting live bees and poultry. Apparently the Postal service changed airlines and the new one (forgot which one it is) won't accept livestock (bees and poultry). We also checked the hacheries because that's how we get our poultry and found that they didn't seem to have any trouble shipping....or at least they weren't saying it. Murray McMurry contacted us by email last fall saying they were going to have major problems shipping day old poultry if the new postoffice rules stood. Thats why we asked the question to find out if in fact people were having trouble or not.
-- Mary (Joe's wife) (, January 14, 2002.
The Poultry Press Newspaper "one of the leading poultry publications" has recently stated the the SHIPPING OF POULTRY (and I assume bees) will go on almost as normal until June 28 (date may be off a little)There are negociations (spell) going on as we speak. There may be some price increase , but I think that will be postponed till after the above date when some final decisions are made.
Try the Poultry Connection site, they know every thing poultry.
Hope I helped a little.
-- Bonnie Norris (, January 14, 2002.
the McMurray web site has a somewhat detailed explanation of the current state of affairs (and current state of confusion)
click "Air Shipping Update" under the Red Rooster. the update is dated December 21 2002.
-- B. Lackie (, January 14, 2002.
I don't trust the airlines/post office any more! I order from a nearby hatchery (that I've used for years) and they truck the birds to my post office.
Some airlines are only shipping to the larger hubs. You have to pick up the birds at the airport. Check on this when ordering/shipping.
Shipping Info
-- ~Rogo (, January 15, 2002.
I would suggest you contact the Hatchery's directly. We ordered from Belt Hatchery (really nice folks and very wonderful to deal with) and much to our dismay and theirs our turkeys were shipped by truck for about a 12 hour journey! We live in rural Arkansas so I'm sure that is part of the reason. Belt made good and did refund us for loss of the majority of the birds. Still it is very sad to lose one after another and we were sorry to have caused such suffering. I suspect that folks near hubs will be okay and the rest of us will need more local sources.Kim
-- kim (, January 15, 2002.