large diameter T-tape - anyone using it ? (Garden - General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I just read an article which says that some farmers in Arizona are using 0.875 in. (2.2 cm) T-tape for irrigation. The article says, the larger tape reduces friction loss and gives a more uniform application down the length of the field.I have not seen such tape advertised ? Is anyone using it ?
-- Alex Eckardt (, January 14, 2002
Hi Alex, I have used this both in large greenhouses and out in the filed, its cheap (even in rip off UK) about 150 dollars per kilometer equiv, and is easy to use. Low cost fittings allow you to connect into standard garden hose, at the far end you just tie a knot in it to act as a stop. I connected the whole shooting match onto a battery powered solenoid valve and timer. We grew cougettes, cucumbers, tomatoes, melon, khol rabi , and even some potatoes using it. It irrigates a strip about 30 inches wide just fine. Works better buried a couple of inches and will last for two-three years.I have never seen it advertised for home garden use and it comes in minimum 0.5 kilometer rolls here in the UK anyway. If you are stuck for some contact me, we have at least one roll unused left plus some fittings. We now grow plants in pots so have no use for it.
-- Ken Duggan (, January 25, 2002.